Sunday, April 6, 2008

Geological interest

Ask me what is my favourite subject in secondary school, it is Geography. I displayed such great interest that I had wanted to pursue further in the subject and asked my teacher then what are the options besides being a teacher. Archaelogist/Geologist? (but then the 1st 3 months made me realise I hated A levels so I didn't opt for JC to proceed to Uni) - it does sound interesting to be digging up things. But if I chose not to go overseas (aiyah dunno whether smart enough to work in other parts of the world), what to dig in Singapore? But then I hate Mr Sun - how? I melt under the sun, I hate dirts - how? I think I fare better in digging up the childrens' toybox!
For obvious reasons, I won't make it into the famous league but I'll be a famous kiasu/kiasi mother.
When I am holidaying, I like to see what mother nature has created for us, what happened to some villages / cities who were buried in the process of volcanic activities or earth movements blah blah . It's really interesting beyond words, I can imagine how the archaelogist/geologist reacts when they make new discoveries and learning everyday on our changing earth. Afterall, being an archaelogist/geologist, you cannot take it as a job but you do it coz' you love it.

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