Wednesday, May 30, 2007

And so the story of where..

God is continues.

Nope! I was not sharing much about God to Athena. But during our dinner, somehow there was a mentioned about God. And then I started teasing her "Athena, how can we talk to God? What is his mobile number? "
A : No.. we pray
M : How do you pray?
A : Hands together, close my eyes. Thank you for the world so sweet oh yes....(her grace in school)

Later on, I asked her again.
M : Athena later on I want to talk to God. How to call him? At his home or mobile? What's the number? 7777777?
A : No, afterwards you call the police how?
M : Police is 999. 7777777 is God's number

KZ asked her
K : Athena, do you know where God stays?
A : In heaven
M : (started laughing coz I kept thinking about the "down there" - toilet bowl story of the spider)
K : How do you talk to God?
A : I pray to God. I close my eyes and pray..

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