Saturday, June 10, 2023

On This Day - (10th June) #Reminders from FB#

10th June 2022

My peng yu came to visit us

Mr Sunbird is here. Not sure if it's the same male but I think sometimes I see a female one too. And they only seem to like this plant. By then again, this is the one of the 2 flowering plants 🤣. I have - they don't seem interested in adeniums at all.

10th June 2022

Abit borliao

Lil' one wanted soba for lunch and I haven't touched the cutesy bento stuffs for so long. (Yup! Still have them. Can't bear to part with them coz most items were procured from Rakuten.)

She requested for the turtle. Do you know which is the turtle?

If I clear these, lIl have a cabinet space free. But ..

Now you know I have a knack for cutesy stuffs not just coz it was for my girls.

Still have my collection of bento books, which I can't read, in the bomb shelter.

Pass to my grandchildren?? 🤣🤣

10th June 2016

This person sitting behind me is having a conversation with her companion. I've lost count the number of "like" words she used. Her sentence goes something like this:

"I mean like more like I can do this. Like I mean if my friend like want to say like .....

* I decided to make an estimated count. In a span of 10 seconds, on the average she says 5 "like". *

10th June 2014

Recently downloaded this variety show “Dad! Where are we going?”

Very addictive; very hilarious. The kids are so cute. I especially like this father & son pair.

10th June 2013
Sushi - making

10th June 2013

My human owner left me all alone in the car. I'm so hungry now. Looking at menu ... But it's written in a foreign language.

10th June 2012

I know it looks really delicious but sorry mei-mei it's too cold already.

Sydney Opera House

10th June 2010

I am coming down with flu. Shucks!

Sore throat n no mood to gym.

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