Thursday, January 11, 2007


I need to do a routine for both gals, a routine that has smooth transition from bringing Athena to school and back, a routine that allows me to spend time with them (and not myself).

It was easy to do a routine for one child, and I managed well with household chores and Athena all by myself. She had her VCD time, then her reading time, then her flashcards, then her Music & Movements. I hope to do that with Aricia, I think I can while the older girl is in school.

I think I better work our the routine fast, I've been pushing back on Athena's daily grinding from me. Her assesment books are about to turn mouldy.
Mom says I'm crazy to use GD on Aricia at this age when she can hardly look up for long. I tried the stimulating VCDs on her and she looked at the screen; then looked away not paying attention to it.

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