Thursday, March 23, 2006

Spoke my mind

Spoke to Ms Chan yesterday as I picked girl up from school. " I need to discuss with you something about the incident." She was all ears when I told her it was all an misunderstanding, as girl has told grandma she pulled the soup towards her and it spilled.
Moreover I was not aware of what had happened as she was not at home, and if she remembered I was abit hesitant on the phone.. I was skeptical infact and kept questioning "if she drank soup from the bowl..." And when I asked mother what happened, she said girl told her the truth - which then means that what I had deduced is correct.
The cut the whole story short, I made myself clear to her that I'm one who believes in disciplining a child when wrong but not when it's not justified. And I also told her frankly that I was not at all happy when she told me about it, and I'm her mother I know her behaviour.
Ms Chan apologized to my girl. She felt bad that I was a little traumatized, I told her its okay but I need to make myself clear to her. At some point the principal happened to walk pass, I kept quiet coz' I wanted to show her that I'm on her side at this moment and is not making a big booha on this. She got the whole idea... so now she knows the grandma and mother cannot be trifled with.
But what I'm glad is that I've finally spoken my mind and tell her how I feel. Afterall a mother knows her child best!

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