Too many entries so they are not in any order
We don't have to tramp the nature to get nice dripping water sound filling the serenity in our hearts. We have one in our room now. The aircon's dripping!!!!!
Oh my! I can't remember when I last to went gym. I'm feeling fat all over. Yes....when yours truly is under stress, she munches. And with the Hersheys unwrapped extras and the wrapped extras. With the whole box of 32 Ferrero Rocher we have - how not to resist? This chocoholic will go mad. And with the festive season coming round. Oh boy! I gotta work harder.. ai yoh... is there any easier way to lose weight or not?
Heel dropped
Goash! I was pushing the sleeping Aricia towards the Town Council on Friday (30th) when my stupid wedge heel dropped. Argh! Trying to act confident and thinking of that Mentos advertisement where the lady just plucked off the other side of her stilleto - I can't do it! Instead I had that frustrated look coz' I was only 5 steps to the office doors and I gotta turn back. Not turn back and flash that megawatt smile with the mentos in my hands. All these while, one Malay guy was standing there smoking and looking at me. Ha! Where's the cobbler to mend my shoes when I needed him?? Ended up buying a cheap $19 , which look like slipper to me, so that I can walk around. Argh! Yah! Only stupid people like me believe in advertisements.
Who uses BC now?
When I enquired the Town Council more on the Family Parking Coupon (yes yes yes, I haven't got the time to do it since I last wrote about this ages ago) The lady told me I needed either parents' IC and my birth cert. I act smart and corrected her "you mean my IC?"
She : No, your BC
Me : BC? IC...
She : Your BC will prove your relationship with your parents
Me : (feeling so stupid of myself) Oh yah hor I'm so stupid.... BC. Where the heck is my BC? I mean who uses BC now, and I suppose half of the older population dunno where theie BC is too! But I thought my mom said I was picked up from the trash bin? Now... I dunno where it is.... confirmed picked up from trash bin.
Ways to save money
Why the urgency to do the coupon thing in mom's place. I've calculated over the past few months on my 'car expenditures' topping up Cashcards so often. Going into the "always increasing price" ERPs. I could have saved a substantial amounts. I know I am usually between both homes and once in a while meet up with friends etc.. But.... you see I go gym at least twice a week (don't count for the past 2-3 months I haven't exercised) and then for Aricia's class. Very heart pain to see the Cashcard value dropping faster than my blood pressure. I think, I pay $30 for coupon at mom's place. I pay close to $11 for parking every Fridays, minus ERP huh! $44 gone just for Fridays. I can't calculate for parking when I go gyming coz' for that I really need to be in a rush to get back home after gym, no time to take own sweet time to take train etc...
My journey on gyming days : Punggol - Athena's school in Tampines - gym in Orchard - Punggol (bathe Ari, do home sessions with her etc... rest @ home) - Tampines - Punggol Really siao! Whatever it is, it's more worth it for me to get the coupon. Park at mom's place, coz usually I go back to Tampines on Fridays after her class; meaning I'm out the whole day on Fridays, and do the home sessions at mom's place, wait a while before picking Athena up from school and then go back home.
I gave KZ the duty of "putting up christmas tree this year. If not, no present for you..." But then I forgot I threw away the tree last year. Argh! I am so stupid!!
And so I did some present shopping without the tree. You say I smart or not? Now the area near our main door (a plank to sit down to put on shoes etc..) is filled with pressies. All lined up but no tree?!
Maybe should get an optic tree visitors leh! She say she also like it, she wants to buy it before she goes back home. I told her "you have the real tree in your house, you want this fake tree?"
Crazy mother - really crazy mother
Was in TMall yesterday, after an impromptu meeting with Aunty Pat yesterday. I decided to pop by into Popular Bookstore.
While anxious parents stood around the stationeries' corner, asking their children "you want this eraser? etc...." and some stood at the assessment books section. I was the only crazy mother standing at the Nursery / Pre-school corner.
Yes! I needed to pick up some books for her next year. I thought I had alot of books but I tidied it 2 days ago and phew! I can finish it by probably Jan? Then I'll start her in her K2 books.
As I was looking and scouring the books, the impatient Aricia cried to be carried. Argh! That's why I hate to be out shopping with her!
Sent us to IMH
Last Sunday, my hubby decided he couldn't take my crazy nonsense, decided to send me to IMH.
It all happened after Athena's art class, we wanted to find Berries for Athena's mandarin class. I made the mistake of telling him it's at Heartland Mall, so when Athena was in her art class we walked over to find out - but it's Tien Hsia . Okay, that is beside the point. So... I asked him "you sure you know where it is?"
He : yes, it's near IMH?
Me :IMH?
He : yes. I saw it
(I kept thinking it's the mall with the Sakae Sushi we went a week ago. And probably he noticed it and I didn't.)
I didn't notice where he was driving to, coz' I was busy with the kids behind. When I realised, I told him "ay, you're suppose to keep to your right. It's behind us now"
He : no correct. It's near IMH
(Then he was to turn into the Medical area)
"It's IMH. All medical places here. Where got school?"
He : I remember seeing it here. (still refusing to move the car and looking at the board)
Me : There's no school here lah!
Is there a "Berries Home For the Mad / Aged" there?
Sigh.......I wonder who really needs to get admitted. Haha! Speaking of which, I joked with Athena. "Athena, daddy thinks mummy is mad, he wants to put mummy in mental hospital. Do you want to follow me? (she nods her head) "But you're going into the children's side, mummy will go to the adults side. You still want to follow me?" (nods her head)
"Aricia do you want to follow mummy?" (shakes her head) - I don't know but does she really understand me?
Meet & Greet
After so long... when the sessions are about to end I decided to bring Athena to a few. Well... she saw the pictures in the newspaper and asked to go. I didn't have any choice right? She has school; she has her music lessons in the evenings and she definitely needed the nap in the afternoons. So with the last 2 weeks or less, I gotta try my best to give her at least 2.
I thought I could try to meet up with Angeline and when she sms-ed me her schedule. I almost fainted! It's a daily thing for her, and on one day she was able put in 2. No! No! I can't take it. I bring her one, gotta queue here and there. My heart's too fragile to take it. Asked her how she managed. She told me Alexandra knows where to queue etc... and then they will save time somehow. Anyway, that girl's well-trained. Ai yoh... if I ask Athena to do it, she'll whine and cry. Anyway, I really salute Angeline. She can managed with 2 young kids and not to mention one that is only 4 mths and still needs bf.
Somehow grateful though a teeny teeny weeny regretful
I guess I always have problem in bringing her out for outings during the school holidays - not that I like to join in the crowd - I hate crowds. Coz' she still has school though it's more of revision. So though I lament that my friends can sign up their children for workshops here and there; go for Meet & Greets. I'm grateful that I don't have to wreck my brains thinking where to bring her every school holidays. And to have me screaming at her more often in the day time. Err......I think maybe next time Aricia will also be put in a childcare. 2 kids out of the way and I can be a tai-tai.... yeah!(errr.. for that short while only)
Printing flashcards
Yay! I'm clearing some in my laptop. So it's back to my illegal business liao. Haha! But still alot in my file leh.....wonder when I'll finish it. It's like never-ending work.
And I dunno why, I used to sleep at 3am wake at 6+ 7am. Now, at 12am my brain stopped working, I stare into blank computer screen, dozing off. Old already!
Gasp* still have some more of the Shichida Everyday Life Sentences cards to paste. Argh! Ya lor... now pasting whenever I'm uploading photos.
Mr Aircon man
Ooh! The dripping sound is making us *tock tock tock* mad. I don't count sheeps, I count the drips. Hubby decided to call one and took leave on Tuesday so the lady (me) wouldn't kena ke-tok $.
Wah..... the power of the aircon man. They had no choice but to go from 11th floor down to knock on every door and tell them to keep their laundries.
I looked down and woah! All cleared!! "Co-operative neighbours" they said, until I mention I tried once ended up 2 families didn't co-operate by opening their doors. Can't be I so zhun-(accurate) that they're not at home right. I left note, gave time chance still no response. So I fed up threw water to wash my aircon ledge. Dirty not my business liao! I was waiting for a rainy day to do so... but it was the hot season. Wah... such luck!
Oh! The aircon man saw the model airplanes I have on my electone and commented to hubby "you must be a pilot. Only pilots have all these at home." Hubby smile, I look at him, hubby look at me." Aircon man still continue talking "yah... you have the look of a pilot." I stuck out my tongue at hubby. I found his comments rather amusing. This is the first time someone mentioned this just by seeing the model airplanes.. But then after that I told hubby "I dunno to be happy or sad he said you're a pilot."
He : (turn to look at me, no answer but he was waiting for me to talk)
Me : First, I know my picture that small lah! But cannot see me meh? Second, I must have aged and look so fat now that it never crossed his mind that I could be a stewardess meh? Kek-sim.... (then I think back of the incident in Ikea; the taxi driver at my mom's place who gave me the comment "you're that SQ girl??") Kena sai!
He : (kept quiet. sometimes sensitive things like this must be left unsaid...)
Goash! I need to bake, I need to relax in another way. I need to try my piping.
I need to try my colour chocolate moulding.
Mom say I crazy, can buy cakes outside, I got 2 kids enough to keep me busy I still want to bake.
Sometimes it's not just the baking, it's the thing that I can do with my children when I bake.
My Letter to Santa
Dear Santa,
This may be late to you coz' you'd be preparing to pack the pressies up by now. But I've been so good to my children that I've forgotten to write you this letter.
I want to be a better mother. So my present wish this year is for a convection oven, one that can bake nice big cakes so that I can bake for my children - by then I'll be the bestest mother, and your most sincere child.
Please please pleaze......
Hanyu Pinyin
I was relating the funny incident last night. As usual, every Mondays Athena will be doing her chinese writing. So Monday's word was 得 and 很. She was writing and then she told me "mummy qiu lao-shi taught us the english words below... there you see.. h-e-n (hěn) hen.
Me : Hen? *chicken?"
Me: read properly, it's the 3rd tone
She : (blur look)
Miss World 2007
As Miss World 2007 was crowned (we only watched the last half hour haha! actually didn't know that was the finals, was channel surfing when chanced upon it) We crowned our two children. Ai yah.... if I have the time now, I'd do the photoshop but forget it lah! I don't have the time.
"Okay.... we'll crown Athena......."
(asked her if she wanted Miss Timid or Miss Talkative)
Athena :talkative (giggles)
"Miss Talkative"
(applause in the house)
Me :(still pretending to be an MC) Then now.... let's crown our Miss Tiny
(applause in the house)
Now... who can that be??
Baby contests
Aunty Pat did ask me if I let Aricia joined baby contests as she remembered Athena did and won back alot of trophies.
I did explain we went for 3 but no prize. Seems like the judges always very prejudiced - go for the pui pui (chubby) look. So our poor Aricia lost the chance, but otherwise other parents (contestants' parents) always look at her and commented on her - being very cute and alert to surroundings etc..And of course being her mother I also say she's cute lah!
Well, KZ my helper, is even funnier. She was so angry and said "why they never let my Aricia win. I go and burn down their office." Haha! Can't believe such words came out from her.
But anyway, I had been to busy looking for out Baby Contests. So poor lil' Aricia.I'd love to let her have the same opportunities as I did expose Athena to but... too busy with Athena's schoolwork.
Stupid new shoes
Remember the wedge broke and then I had to quickly buy a shoe to wear?
Well, let me tell you......that stupid cheapo shoe / slipper made me fell not once but twice!
Tuesday evening was walking down the steps in Yamaha when dunno why the heel so slippery and I went down on my right knee 2 steps down. Thank goodness, I always like old granny ... when walking up/ down there must hold the handrails. Imagine if I hadn't, I'd roll down the steps like a 'Bollywood actresss'. My skin came out, not in pain.
Today-was at Ikea. I was carrying Aricia. Hubby (yah, he took leave again) was infront of me. We were alright in the downriding escalator when suddenly I dunno why my heel just made my legs slipped down. (mind you, I was standing there not moving. One hand carrying Aricia, another hand holding the handrail).This time round coz' of the impact and I was holding back my fall coz' Aricia was in my hands, I held back the pressure and scrapped my feet in the process. Fortunately one guy was behind me and he quickly helped me. Holding on to me, very gentlemanly of him. I dunno how many times I thanked him coz' he genuinely asked if I was alright.
Had another downriding escalator to go down. So I acted smart and took off my shoes and went down barefooted. Pain siah! Was limping all the way home.
Then in my First Aid Kit... I tell you I have everything in my box. But decided against putting the yellow antiseptic thing coz' when I wiped with the alcohol swab I was in pain and biting Athena's favourite smelly bear bear's paw. Then I was looking for plasters. I have those big ones which is for surgery use etc... very well-equipped First Aid Box right? So well-equipped that I don't even have a normal plaster inside?!?!?! Argh!
And today(Thursday) I had the stupid Spongebob, which Athena simply refuses to use so I have one whole box to finish. Sigh...
Was talking to 邱老师 about her curriculum for next year. Somehow we ended up talking about the children. She admitted, not only Athena speaks funny mandarin, the K1 children are the angmoh kids. But asked her how she managed, she'll always pretend the radio tuner and ask them to tune back to mandarin. She said Athena will tune to Mandarin, she's okay in her mandarin as compared to her classmates. I don't know if she's being diplomatic. But really I don't mind honest opinions about my child. I mean, if she's good she's good; if she's bad she's bad. Tell me honestly, and I'll find ways to help my child.
She said she hasn't really taught 汉语拼音 yet, normally will be the second half of the year.. no wonder my dear girl calls 'hen'.
Morris Allen Math Solution
When we were at Heartland Mall on Sunday checking out Tien Hsia, I chanced upon the leaflet of the Math Solution.
When I enquired about their K2 program. OMG!
1) Introduce no 1-30
2) comparison
3)blah blah blah.
No need to read further, no need to pay thaat $200++ per term, any one needs a teacher, pay me and I teach your child at less than half price.
I thought to myself, I can simply get the assessment books and let her do it. Anyway, now Athena's doing subtraction already.
What's the problem?? So suay hands meh?
I have alot of tapes (15) to be dubbed into DVD. I have problem finding the connection in our TV. When I plugged the video camera direct to the DVD player, it looks so yellowish. Hubby say...maybe coz' our TV outside is of a higher definition so it's discoloured.
I suggested how about putting the recorder connected to our room TV temporary and we'll try.
Was so happy with the outcome, when I plugged to the DVD recorder direct, it looks nice on the TV - no yellow face women (except for me) - Then my stupid battery dying so I quickly took the double plug to plug. Then dunno what happened the TV plug wiring seems to be loose... can't turn on the TV. Argh! And then I explain to hubby about how I saw my dad taking out the cover; cut and rewire back etc.. he didn't even know how to do it. ?!?!
I had the time to speak to Ms Low before the class coz' I was early. I asked if there's any equipment to tune a violin and she explained to me the various metronomes. You know this sounds crazy, but I'm beginning to love the violin sound and I feel like buying one to play. I'm struggling with her 1/10 violin. And of course I needed to learn how to tune.
Somehow I don't know why it's revoking my emotions. I'm getting my emotions a little high, although I feel it's a big relief I have one thing less to scream (errr.... maybe) at, now I'm feeling so emotionally stringed down to violin. Perhaps after reading Sam's blog too, I think it'll be so nice if Athena can play as well as her. Goash! Even Eliz's going into NAFA. My Athena?? Yamaha already cannot cope not to mention NAFA ! Dunno why a highly motivated mum can have such a slack and lazy child? Half of their ability I'll be happy... and then I think back about my 02 June 2007 entry - can't seem to link back - that I was hoping for a prodigy.
So next week will be her last lesson coz on 18th we'll be touching down very late. Sigh...
Hoping for a miracle - that a fairy dust makes her play nicely and she practises on her own - then... I will not hesitate to put her back.
Geez.. it's so interesting coz' they're on their 3rd song now, and I'm learning new things myself.
I don't know why I'm feeling this, it's not like my girl is going to be a music teacher next year so I'm equipping her with music and music.. but you know I like it when I hear the piano and violin accompaniment.
Hopefully, my lil' Aricia will tell me one day "mummy I want to learn both violin and piano."
And when I suggested "maybe mummy ask Jachelle mummy to teach you piano and violin next time?" She freaked out at the mention of violin.
Music meant to be enjoyed
Hubby was commenting on my nagging /scolding incessantly at Athena whenever I'm doing her music revision - yes! everyday hear me scream; nag at hit her hand when she play wrongly. Yes leh! Practice almost everyday also like that!!
But there's this piece 'Hush A Bye', which she can play very nicely and with feelings. When I praised her, her head swelled saying "mummy, last time I dunno how to play this piece hor?" My comments was "of course! after all the screaming and beating from me." She kept quiet and gave me a sheepish smile.
But anyway my thinking is different, while music is meant to be enjoyed. I'm sorry to say but he don't play any instruments so whenever he hears any CDs, it sounds nice. Right? Why? Coz' they have synthesizer and many instruments to accompany etc... to make one piece nice. When I play that same piece on my electone, he don't comment it's nice.Why? Coz' only one sound and the most electone can get are a little accompaniments. Yah lah! Tell him buy me the Stagea lor.... that one can get orchestra sound effects.
I guess he don't understand in order to play a nice piece of music, you need practice. And practice them correctly. So here I am correcting her mistakes; there he is commenting on my harsh method on Athena. ?!?! Then what's the use of practice when you play mistakes??
Harsh? Yes I am harsh. Why? Put yourself in my shoes, I practice with her almost everyday and she always makes mistakes ; then I look at her classmates who don't get to practice as much time as her but still can play well..... (not talking about comparison but with her superbly playful and careless personality, it does frustrates me) Then worst still, gotta practice both instruments.And both instruments - make mistakes, take time so I really have to rush through her evenings ( she eats her dinner slowly; so I nag. Bathe her, music lessons can take up to 1 1/2 for both and then her assessment books, which I had to only end up giving her do one or two page for the book assigned for that day)
Hooked on Dora
It was by no coincidence that I got that stupid Dora plaster on my feet. Just that she had alot of that - (4 boxes of that?!)
But I'm so hooked on the surprise eggs.
I ate one and it has got those little stars imprinted on it, unlike the Kinder Surprise. a lil' kid I opened and yell in excitement "yeh! I got Backpack!!"
Then KZ ate one and she got another Dora - the first Dora on the left in this picture. The last Dora on the right was from the egg that Athena ate.

My Starhub Internet server is really slow.... they called if we want to continue the subscription. Then I asked for the current speed of our plan. 12 mbps? Huh? Is that fast or slow?
I have the intention of changing to another server and slow, want to change but can maintain email addy?? I asked sister but she mentione that I'll have to change my Starhub email addy. It's too troublesome, coz' my email addy is linked to so many things.
Argh! December... I just remembered the ruling by MOM on foreign workers, which I haven't even done it yet.
**Press my panic button**
Winnie asked me to join Skype, and so I did. I remember hubby mentioning to me he's on Skype and they use it intensively in their conferencing etc... Anyway, I only got down to business (downloading it) on Tuesday. Then he told me "key in my email address" - for a moment I thought he meant to use his email address to set up the account at home. Okay... that was the dumb part of me that went mental block for a moment.
On Wednesday, he was still at home when I decided to Skype (when he's just behind me)
Me : what are you doing now?
He : ??
Finally bought
Great! I finally bought the assessment books for K2 next year. Now I gotta rework her time-table for her coz' now must see if can get her Berries class on weekdays.
I also bought her the chinese thematic dictionary, so I'm going to assign one page of chinese and english each week.
As I had explained to Jenny, I stick the days on the books so she knows what she's suppose to do on which day.
We don't have to tramp the nature to get nice dripping water sound filling the serenity in our hearts. We have one in our room now. The aircon's dripping!!!!!
Oh my! I can't remember when I last to went gym. I'm feeling fat all over. Yes....when yours truly is under stress, she munches. And with the Hersheys unwrapped extras and the wrapped extras. With the whole box of 32 Ferrero Rocher we have - how not to resist? This chocoholic will go mad. And with the festive season coming round. Oh boy! I gotta work harder.. ai yoh... is there any easier way to lose weight or not?
Heel dropped
Goash! I was pushing the sleeping Aricia towards the Town Council on Friday (30th) when my stupid wedge heel dropped. Argh! Trying to act confident and thinking of that Mentos advertisement where the lady just plucked off the other side of her stilleto - I can't do it! Instead I had that frustrated look coz' I was only 5 steps to the office doors and I gotta turn back. Not turn back and flash that megawatt smile with the mentos in my hands. All these while, one Malay guy was standing there smoking and looking at me. Ha! Where's the cobbler to mend my shoes when I needed him?? Ended up buying a cheap $19 , which look like slipper to me, so that I can walk around. Argh! Yah! Only stupid people like me believe in advertisements.
Who uses BC now?
When I enquired the Town Council more on the Family Parking Coupon (yes yes yes, I haven't got the time to do it since I last wrote about this ages ago) The lady told me I needed either parents' IC and my birth cert. I act smart and corrected her "you mean my IC?"
She : No, your BC
Me : BC? IC...
She : Your BC will prove your relationship with your parents
Me : (feeling so stupid of myself) Oh yah hor I'm so stupid.... BC. Where the heck is my BC? I mean who uses BC now, and I suppose half of the older population dunno where theie BC is too! But I thought my mom said I was picked up from the trash bin? Now... I dunno where it is.... confirmed picked up from trash bin.
Ways to save money
Why the urgency to do the coupon thing in mom's place. I've calculated over the past few months on my 'car expenditures' topping up Cashcards so often. Going into the "always increasing price" ERPs. I could have saved a substantial amounts. I know I am usually between both homes and once in a while meet up with friends etc.. But.... you see I go gym at least twice a week (don't count for the past 2-3 months I haven't exercised) and then for Aricia's class. Very heart pain to see the Cashcard value dropping faster than my blood pressure. I think, I pay $30 for coupon at mom's place. I pay close to $11 for parking every Fridays, minus ERP huh! $44 gone just for Fridays. I can't calculate for parking when I go gyming coz' for that I really need to be in a rush to get back home after gym, no time to take own sweet time to take train etc...
My journey on gyming days : Punggol - Athena's school in Tampines - gym in Orchard - Punggol (bathe Ari, do home sessions with her etc... rest @ home) - Tampines - Punggol Really siao! Whatever it is, it's more worth it for me to get the coupon. Park at mom's place, coz usually I go back to Tampines on Fridays after her class; meaning I'm out the whole day on Fridays, and do the home sessions at mom's place, wait a while before picking Athena up from school and then go back home.
I gave KZ the duty of "putting up christmas tree this year. If not, no present for you..." But then I forgot I threw away the tree last year. Argh! I am so stupid!!
And so I did some present shopping without the tree. You say I smart or not? Now the area near our main door (a plank to sit down to put on shoes etc..) is filled with pressies. All lined up but no tree?!
Maybe should get an optic tree visitors leh! She say she also like it, she wants to buy it before she goes back home. I told her "you have the real tree in your house, you want this fake tree?"
Crazy mother - really crazy mother
Was in TMall yesterday, after an impromptu meeting with Aunty Pat yesterday. I decided to pop by into Popular Bookstore.
While anxious parents stood around the stationeries' corner, asking their children "you want this eraser? etc...." and some stood at the assessment books section. I was the only crazy mother standing at the Nursery / Pre-school corner.
Yes! I needed to pick up some books for her next year. I thought I had alot of books but I tidied it 2 days ago and phew! I can finish it by probably Jan? Then I'll start her in her K2 books.
As I was looking and scouring the books, the impatient Aricia cried to be carried. Argh! That's why I hate to be out shopping with her!
Sent us to IMH
Last Sunday, my hubby decided he couldn't take my crazy nonsense, decided to send me to IMH.
It all happened after Athena's art class, we wanted to find Berries for Athena's mandarin class. I made the mistake of telling him it's at Heartland Mall, so when Athena was in her art class we walked over to find out - but it's Tien Hsia . Okay, that is beside the point. So... I asked him "you sure you know where it is?"
He : yes, it's near IMH?
Me :IMH?
He : yes. I saw it
(I kept thinking it's the mall with the Sakae Sushi we went a week ago. And probably he noticed it and I didn't.)
I didn't notice where he was driving to, coz' I was busy with the kids behind. When I realised, I told him "ay, you're suppose to keep to your right. It's behind us now"
He : no correct. It's near IMH
(Then he was to turn into the Medical area)
"It's IMH. All medical places here. Where got school?"
He : I remember seeing it here. (still refusing to move the car and looking at the board)
Me : There's no school here lah!
Is there a "Berries Home For the Mad / Aged" there?
Sigh.......I wonder who really needs to get admitted. Haha! Speaking of which, I joked with Athena. "Athena, daddy thinks mummy is mad, he wants to put mummy in mental hospital. Do you want to follow me? (she nods her head) "But you're going into the children's side, mummy will go to the adults side. You still want to follow me?" (nods her head)
"Aricia do you want to follow mummy?" (shakes her head) - I don't know but does she really understand me?
Meet & Greet
After so long... when the sessions are about to end I decided to bring Athena to a few. Well... she saw the pictures in the newspaper and asked to go. I didn't have any choice right? She has school; she has her music lessons in the evenings and she definitely needed the nap in the afternoons. So with the last 2 weeks or less, I gotta try my best to give her at least 2.
I thought I could try to meet up with Angeline and when she sms-ed me her schedule. I almost fainted! It's a daily thing for her, and on one day she was able put in 2. No! No! I can't take it. I bring her one, gotta queue here and there. My heart's too fragile to take it. Asked her how she managed. She told me Alexandra knows where to queue etc... and then they will save time somehow. Anyway, that girl's well-trained. Ai yoh... if I ask Athena to do it, she'll whine and cry. Anyway, I really salute Angeline. She can managed with 2 young kids and not to mention one that is only 4 mths and still needs bf.
Somehow grateful though a teeny teeny weeny regretful
I guess I always have problem in bringing her out for outings during the school holidays - not that I like to join in the crowd - I hate crowds. Coz' she still has school though it's more of revision. So though I lament that my friends can sign up their children for workshops here and there; go for Meet & Greets. I'm grateful that I don't have to wreck my brains thinking where to bring her every school holidays. And to have me screaming at her more often in the day time. Err......I think maybe next time Aricia will also be put in a childcare. 2 kids out of the way and I can be a tai-tai.... yeah!(errr.. for that short while only)
Printing flashcards
Yay! I'm clearing some in my laptop. So it's back to my illegal business liao. Haha! But still alot in my file leh.....wonder when I'll finish it. It's like never-ending work.
And I dunno why, I used to sleep at 3am wake at 6+ 7am. Now, at 12am my brain stopped working, I stare into blank computer screen, dozing off. Old already!
Gasp* still have some more of the Shichida Everyday Life Sentences cards to paste. Argh! Ya lor... now pasting whenever I'm uploading photos.
Mr Aircon man
Ooh! The dripping sound is making us *tock tock tock* mad. I don't count sheeps, I count the drips. Hubby decided to call one and took leave on Tuesday so the lady (me) wouldn't kena ke-tok $.
Wah..... the power of the aircon man. They had no choice but to go from 11th floor down to knock on every door and tell them to keep their laundries.
I looked down and woah! All cleared!! "Co-operative neighbours" they said, until I mention I tried once ended up 2 families didn't co-operate by opening their doors. Can't be I so zhun-(accurate) that they're not at home right. I left note, gave time chance still no response. So I fed up threw water to wash my aircon ledge. Dirty not my business liao! I was waiting for a rainy day to do so... but it was the hot season. Wah... such luck!
Oh! The aircon man saw the model airplanes I have on my electone and commented to hubby "you must be a pilot. Only pilots have all these at home." Hubby smile, I look at him, hubby look at me." Aircon man still continue talking "yah... you have the look of a pilot." I stuck out my tongue at hubby. I found his comments rather amusing. This is the first time someone mentioned this just by seeing the model airplanes.. But then after that I told hubby "I dunno to be happy or sad he said you're a pilot."
He : (turn to look at me, no answer but he was waiting for me to talk)
Me : First, I know my picture that small lah! But cannot see me meh? Second, I must have aged and look so fat now that it never crossed his mind that I could be a stewardess meh? Kek-sim.... (then I think back of the incident in Ikea; the taxi driver at my mom's place who gave me the comment "you're that SQ girl??") Kena sai!
He : (kept quiet. sometimes sensitive things like this must be left unsaid...)
Goash! I need to bake, I need to relax in another way. I need to try my piping.
I need to try my colour chocolate moulding.
Mom say I crazy, can buy cakes outside, I got 2 kids enough to keep me busy I still want to bake.
Sometimes it's not just the baking, it's the thing that I can do with my children when I bake.
My Letter to Santa
Dear Santa,
This may be late to you coz' you'd be preparing to pack the pressies up by now. But I've been so good to my children that I've forgotten to write you this letter.
I want to be a better mother. So my present wish this year is for a convection oven, one that can bake nice big cakes so that I can bake for my children - by then I'll be the bestest mother, and your most sincere child.
Please please pleaze......
Hanyu Pinyin
I was relating the funny incident last night. As usual, every Mondays Athena will be doing her chinese writing. So Monday's word was 得 and 很. She was writing and then she told me "mummy qiu lao-shi taught us the english words below... there you see.. h-e-n (hěn) hen.
Me : Hen? *chicken?"
Me: read properly, it's the 3rd tone
She : (blur look)
Miss World 2007
As Miss World 2007 was crowned (we only watched the last half hour haha! actually didn't know that was the finals, was channel surfing when chanced upon it) We crowned our two children. Ai yah.... if I have the time now, I'd do the photoshop but forget it lah! I don't have the time.
"Okay.... we'll crown Athena......."
(asked her if she wanted Miss Timid or Miss Talkative)
Athena :talkative (giggles)
"Miss Talkative"
(applause in the house)
Me :(still pretending to be an MC) Then now.... let's crown our Miss Tiny
(applause in the house)
Now... who can that be??
Baby contests
Aunty Pat did ask me if I let Aricia joined baby contests as she remembered Athena did and won back alot of trophies.
I did explain we went for 3 but no prize. Seems like the judges always very prejudiced - go for the pui pui (chubby) look. So our poor Aricia lost the chance, but otherwise other parents (contestants' parents) always look at her and commented on her - being very cute and alert to surroundings etc..And of course being her mother I also say she's cute lah!
Well, KZ my helper, is even funnier. She was so angry and said "why they never let my Aricia win. I go and burn down their office." Haha! Can't believe such words came out from her.
But anyway, I had been to busy looking for out Baby Contests. So poor lil' Aricia.I'd love to let her have the same opportunities as I did expose Athena to but... too busy with Athena's schoolwork.
Stupid new shoes
Remember the wedge broke and then I had to quickly buy a shoe to wear?
Well, let me tell you......that stupid cheapo shoe / slipper made me fell not once but twice!
Tuesday evening was walking down the steps in Yamaha when dunno why the heel so slippery and I went down on my right knee 2 steps down. Thank goodness, I always like old granny ... when walking up/ down there must hold the handrails. Imagine if I hadn't, I'd roll down the steps like a 'Bollywood actresss'. My skin came out, not in pain.
Today-was at Ikea. I was carrying Aricia. Hubby (yah, he took leave again) was infront of me. We were alright in the downriding escalator when suddenly I dunno why my heel just made my legs slipped down. (mind you, I was standing there not moving. One hand carrying Aricia, another hand holding the handrail).This time round coz' of the impact and I was holding back my fall coz' Aricia was in my hands, I held back the pressure and scrapped my feet in the process. Fortunately one guy was behind me and he quickly helped me. Holding on to me, very gentlemanly of him. I dunno how many times I thanked him coz' he genuinely asked if I was alright.
Had another downriding escalator to go down. So I acted smart and took off my shoes and went down barefooted. Pain siah! Was limping all the way home.
Then in my First Aid Kit... I tell you I have everything in my box. But decided against putting the yellow antiseptic thing coz' when I wiped with the alcohol swab I was in pain and biting Athena's favourite smelly bear bear's paw. Then I was looking for plasters. I have those big ones which is for surgery use etc... very well-equipped First Aid Box right? So well-equipped that I don't even have a normal plaster inside?!?!?! Argh!
Oh yes! Actually we had a few spare ones (I put some spare ones inside there) but they were for the children.
I ended up putting up this silly Dora plaster
Was talking to 邱老师 about her curriculum for next year. Somehow we ended up talking about the children. She admitted, not only Athena speaks funny mandarin, the K1 children are the angmoh kids. But asked her how she managed, she'll always pretend the radio tuner and ask them to tune back to mandarin. She said Athena will tune to Mandarin, she's okay in her mandarin as compared to her classmates. I don't know if she's being diplomatic. But really I don't mind honest opinions about my child. I mean, if she's good she's good; if she's bad she's bad. Tell me honestly, and I'll find ways to help my child.
She said she hasn't really taught 汉语拼音 yet, normally will be the second half of the year.. no wonder my dear girl calls 'hen'.
Morris Allen Math Solution
When we were at Heartland Mall on Sunday checking out Tien Hsia, I chanced upon the leaflet of the Math Solution.
When I enquired about their K2 program. OMG!
1) Introduce no 1-30
2) comparison
3)blah blah blah.
No need to read further, no need to pay thaat $200++ per term, any one needs a teacher, pay me and I teach your child at less than half price.
I thought to myself, I can simply get the assessment books and let her do it. Anyway, now Athena's doing subtraction already.
What's the problem?? So suay hands meh?
I have alot of tapes (15) to be dubbed into DVD. I have problem finding the connection in our TV. When I plugged the video camera direct to the DVD player, it looks so yellowish. Hubby say...maybe coz' our TV outside is of a higher definition so it's discoloured.
I suggested how about putting the recorder connected to our room TV temporary and we'll try.
Was so happy with the outcome, when I plugged to the DVD recorder direct, it looks nice on the TV - no yellow face women (except for me) - Then my stupid battery dying so I quickly took the double plug to plug. Then dunno what happened the TV plug wiring seems to be loose... can't turn on the TV. Argh! And then I explain to hubby about how I saw my dad taking out the cover; cut and rewire back etc.. he didn't even know how to do it. ?!?!
I had the time to speak to Ms Low before the class coz' I was early. I asked if there's any equipment to tune a violin and she explained to me the various metronomes. You know this sounds crazy, but I'm beginning to love the violin sound and I feel like buying one to play. I'm struggling with her 1/10 violin. And of course I needed to learn how to tune.
Somehow I don't know why it's revoking my emotions. I'm getting my emotions a little high, although I feel it's a big relief I have one thing less to scream (errr.... maybe) at, now I'm feeling so emotionally stringed down to violin. Perhaps after reading Sam's blog too, I think it'll be so nice if Athena can play as well as her. Goash! Even Eliz's going into NAFA. My Athena?? Yamaha already cannot cope not to mention NAFA ! Dunno why a highly motivated mum can have such a slack and lazy child? Half of their ability I'll be happy... and then I think back about my 02 June 2007 entry - can't seem to link back - that I was hoping for a prodigy.
So next week will be her last lesson coz on 18th we'll be touching down very late. Sigh...
Hoping for a miracle - that a fairy dust makes her play nicely and she practises on her own - then... I will not hesitate to put her back.
Geez.. it's so interesting coz' they're on their 3rd song now, and I'm learning new things myself.
I don't know why I'm feeling this, it's not like my girl is going to be a music teacher next year so I'm equipping her with music and music.. but you know I like it when I hear the piano and violin accompaniment.
Hopefully, my lil' Aricia will tell me one day "mummy I want to learn both violin and piano."
And when I suggested "maybe mummy ask Jachelle mummy to teach you piano and violin next time?" She freaked out at the mention of violin.
Music meant to be enjoyed
Hubby was commenting on my nagging /scolding incessantly at Athena whenever I'm doing her music revision - yes! everyday hear me scream; nag at hit her hand when she play wrongly. Yes leh! Practice almost everyday also like that!!
But there's this piece 'Hush A Bye', which she can play very nicely and with feelings. When I praised her, her head swelled saying "mummy, last time I dunno how to play this piece hor?" My comments was "of course! after all the screaming and beating from me." She kept quiet and gave me a sheepish smile.
But anyway my thinking is different, while music is meant to be enjoyed. I'm sorry to say but he don't play any instruments so whenever he hears any CDs, it sounds nice. Right? Why? Coz' they have synthesizer and many instruments to accompany etc... to make one piece nice. When I play that same piece on my electone, he don't comment it's nice.Why? Coz' only one sound and the most electone can get are a little accompaniments. Yah lah! Tell him buy me the Stagea lor.... that one can get orchestra sound effects.
I guess he don't understand in order to play a nice piece of music, you need practice. And practice them correctly. So here I am correcting her mistakes; there he is commenting on my harsh method on Athena. ?!?! Then what's the use of practice when you play mistakes??
Harsh? Yes I am harsh. Why? Put yourself in my shoes, I practice with her almost everyday and she always makes mistakes ; then I look at her classmates who don't get to practice as much time as her but still can play well..... (not talking about comparison but with her superbly playful and careless personality, it does frustrates me) Then worst still, gotta practice both instruments.And both instruments - make mistakes, take time so I really have to rush through her evenings ( she eats her dinner slowly; so I nag. Bathe her, music lessons can take up to 1 1/2 for both and then her assessment books, which I had to only end up giving her do one or two page for the book assigned for that day)
Hooked on Dora
It was by no coincidence that I got that stupid Dora plaster on my feet. Just that she had alot of that - (4 boxes of that?!)
But I'm so hooked on the surprise eggs.
I ate one and it has got those little stars imprinted on it, unlike the Kinder Surprise. a lil' kid I opened and yell in excitement "yeh! I got Backpack!!"
My Starhub Internet server is really slow.... they called if we want to continue the subscription. Then I asked for the current speed of our plan. 12 mbps? Huh? Is that fast or slow?
I have the intention of changing to another server and slow, want to change but can maintain email addy?? I asked sister but she mentione that I'll have to change my Starhub email addy. It's too troublesome, coz' my email addy is linked to so many things.
Argh! December... I just remembered the ruling by MOM on foreign workers, which I haven't even done it yet.
**Press my panic button**
Winnie asked me to join Skype, and so I did. I remember hubby mentioning to me he's on Skype and they use it intensively in their conferencing etc... Anyway, I only got down to business (downloading it) on Tuesday. Then he told me "key in my email address" - for a moment I thought he meant to use his email address to set up the account at home. Okay... that was the dumb part of me that went mental block for a moment.
On Wednesday, he was still at home when I decided to Skype (when he's just behind me)
Me : what are you doing now?
He : ??
Finally bought
Great! I finally bought the assessment books for K2 next year. Now I gotta rework her time-table for her coz' now must see if can get her Berries class on weekdays.
I also bought her the chinese thematic dictionary, so I'm going to assign one page of chinese and english each week.
As I had explained to Jenny, I stick the days on the books so she knows what she's suppose to do on which day.
The fall look bad ya! Take Care!
It's okay lah.
I've gone through 2 C-sections which is far more painful than this.
Thanks alot though!
Actually I think the teacher was trying to tell you about the chromatic tuner (which often comes with a metronome function as well). I don't use that much though. I use my hearing mostly with either a pitch pipe or the piano.
I think you'd find lots of problems playing with a 1/10th violin though. Too small. bow will keep hitting other strings. I can't play my son's 1/2-size violin either.
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