Monday, February 12, 2024

On This Day - (12th Feb) #Reminders from FB#

12th Feb 2023

This is so funny.

Rmbr the instructor telling us glide girls glide".

But we do have our 'rush to aircraft moments' when the aircraft is parked at the last gate #%^*! or the crew suay kena "report straight to aircraft"

12th Feb 2023

❤️ Concert on a Sunday ❤️

12th Feb 2023

Lil' one dons on her school uniform for the last time today and I'm closing the chapter of my two girls' I journey. Whenever there's a closing; there's another reopening (my grandkids?).

I know they always say they hate school and can't wait to get out, I believe they only meant getting out of the education system not the school. For the school not only holds memories but virtues that they are taught and shown moulding them into better women for themselves; for the family and for the society.

May my girls continue to treat others with respect and sincerity. May my girls overcome any difficulties with confidence and be humble. May they continue to have the friendship with their friends for life.

Here's me signing off ironing the white blouse and blue pinafore ๐Ÿ˜‰#ijgirls#


12th Feb 2022

I was counting the number of days lill one was in school so far. My goodness, her record breaking attendance! Out of 26 school days, exc the e-learning day n PH. She's only been in school 13 days!! Dig nose so many times also.

What a week it was for us. The man was tested + last Fri, so when he knew the results I called the school to ask for next step. School lent her an ART kit, I didn't hear from her means she was able to stay back for CCA. FT was very good, updated me almost immediately only my girl dare not use her phone so never message me. Ok, at least I can fix L. Che-che and I immediately did ours at home. Cleared! Then of course had to inform my bro and family too coz we were in contact just 3 days ago. Anyway, cleared too!


Sat (5th) is considered our HRW#1. On Tue, our HRW#4, sent her to school after she submitted her ART results to FT. At 9+, she called and asked to be picked up from school. Had fever and she looks tired.

Went to a clinic near home,ๆŠŠๆฅ้พ™ๅŽป่„‰ told doctor and still he only did ART. So I insisted to do PCR, he said the rules now for children below certain age they don't do PCR and moreover it's uncomfortable. Also I have to bear the cost. I explained to him, it's the results the man had on Fri that made me skeptical on ART, of course I'm hoping it's - for her. He did both ART and PCR in the clinic and the results were not the same. Secondly, it's only days since he was only tested + tho he's already cleared on Monday. Thirdly, she's used to PCR testings (kena poke how many times already) so won't be uncomfortable for her.

After the swabbings, she was given 2 days MC, rested n was drowsy from medication. PCR - , updated FT. (Poor thing nowadays tchrs also all extra busy) Went back to school on Thu, at 9+ FT called to pick her up from school. Had to skip my fighting class. Thr said she looked pale and better for her to rest at home. When I went to pick her up, I saw a remark on the form "unwell. Recovering from MC." then "Infirmary Room" Huh? I only knew we had a Sickbay (or is it waiting room?) just behind the GO desk, I didn't even know where the Infirmary Room is ๐Ÿคฃ. Poor girl looked like she was run over by a bicycle, she was nauseous n looked messy n tired.

Brought her to see the same doctor again and given another 2 days of MC. She wasn't in school this whole week!! The medicine given was even more drowsy, she slept a lot!

I hope next week which is WA week will be better. I see her so tired never study this week also... slept more than she studied. Sigh.....

12th Feb 2021


Can you guess who's bowl are these for?

With peanuts as how che-che likes it, and lil' one all plain.

12th Feb 2020

All my flowers ่Šฑ ๐Ÿ’

So I'm still waiting for this sunflower to turn brown, like for how many weeks already, to collect the seeds. It's still green.and today i noticed 2 smaller buds.

Can meh?


And I spotted new flowers facing out of the PES. Never noticed if there were buds before we left. But I'm always so happy when this flowers...coz this plant hardly flowers for me ๐Ÿ˜‚

I like this plant the, it has been blooming non-stop for many months now. They're really small but brightens up my day when I see something hopeful in my PES.


The only hardy plant that survives this black thumb of mine. ๐Ÿ˜œ

. Love to see the cutesies little leaves.

12th Feb 2020

I'm like bbq-ing satay. Every now n then hv to brush each toy.


12th Feb 2020

On Monday -

"Mom.where's my white bear? Where's my Sparkle?" Walks to the yard to pick up her still damp stuff toys and claims it's dry.

Guess who said this.

I forgot my 17+ is still a/my baby. Her 13+ sister didn't scream for her toy that same day, but then I'll give her the benefit of doubt since it's not her fav toy I put to wash. Let's see if she'll (lil' one) scream for her Gelatoni tonight.

She (che-che) added, "Next time wash my toys when I'm not in."

"Ehh...u were in school so you weren't in?!?!" ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ

12th Feb 2019

My girl has a busier social life than me. Another

dinner(ไป€ไนˆๅฅฝ้ค)with her OG mates?!?!


This reminds me that this is the age where she'll flap her wings slightly further away from us ๐Ÿ˜”. I miss my ๐Ÿ„ ๅ†ฌ่‡ๅคด girl……

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