Thursday, August 21, 2008

So happy?

I didn't understand what 林 老师 meant when she said Athena has been exceptionally happy these days. I asked "I thought she's always happy?" "Yes, but these days she's even more happy. Laughing out alot and more giggly." *blur*

In the evening, I was going through her Berries work which she did in class. And I probably realise why >> She had to do a 造句 and this is what she wrote:-

我很高兴, 因为我的妹妹()生日到了.
Red are those the teacher corrected her


Come to think of it, she did tell me too! Days ago while she was doing her assessment books, suddenly she let out a loud cheer "yay! mei- mei's birthday is coming. Mei-mei's party, I like party." I had to ask her to continue doing her work.

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