Thursday, August 14, 2008

Parking offence

It's a nightmare to any drivers when you see one small strip of paper nicely tucked in the wiper. And then you call it suay, " I've just missed by that few minutes. If only I didn't stop by the shop etc... maybe I should see if the warden is still around."
I had that same feeling too and wanted to look for the warden to ask :
"how the heck can I get a summon in my own parking lot??"

I made a quick call to Sengkang office to enquire and I remember she mentioned about the carpark number. I told her I don't know what's the number but it's (gave my block number) and place of offence is given as another carpark number. Anyway the lady said she will get back to me the next day.
On my way home, I looked up into the carpark board as I was driving in. And the place of offence coincides with the summon I received!! So if the lady told me our season parking is with a different number ... that means the staff in the office gave us a wrong carpark number. Not our fault!!
Now my question is >> my carpark usually have "visitors" coming in the morning, afternoon (maybe) and late in the night. So how the heck did I manage to escape from those summons then?

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