Sunday, June 1, 2008

Am back sweating out!

It's 12+ now, everyone's asleep (the children couldn't open their eyes longer, coz' technically their body clock is still 4 hours ahead of local time) - so why the heck am I still awake?
Even hubby cannot take it, fact is he even managed a nap in the plane while I couldn't. Well.... I tried and almost made it to la-la-land until the announcement for preparation for arrival comes on. Shucks!

Yah yah, I'm still here coz' I had to unpack the bags and put things back where they belong etc, It's just me! I can't see things lying around; I just need to finish unpacking before I can really settle down to sleep.
Yes, the 'super-on and never leave things to last minute' me had all done, I even managed to clear my mails and my emails.
As for laundry, I double washed one set. The children's clothes will have to be scrubbed first before running in the washing machine twice. I think it'll be too much for KZ to handle this sudden 'overload' work after vegetating at home for 3 weeks and never saw a human soul for days until my kind (and poor thing) sister pop by to see how she is. And KZ kept talking and talking non-stop.

Post on holiday will be up next

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