Goash! This is our first holiday for the year.... when normally we have a long (far distanced) holiday and short getaway every year. This is record breaking! I was getting 'out of the world' already. Yah! With 2 kids in tow what can we expect??
Somehow prior to the trip, I wasn't that really excited excited like I always am before any trip . Probably due to the fact that I knew both kids will miss their classes. Or probably I was a little apprehensive on whether I can cope with the 2 kids by myself while hubby's working. Umm.... now I know why, I had a hunch that's why.A hunch that things will not go the way I wanted. A hunch that life will be more miserable for me. A hunch that.................I was going to be a maid!!!!!! Argh!Day 1 : 1st September (Saturday)Departed SIN at 3+pm, prior to that we headed to the Silver Kris Lounge for a quick bite and to Macs to get my lipstick.The flight was okay, as usual I can't watch anything. Then the yah yah papaya hubby had to rub salt "I've watched all the movies already" and tried to catch 40 winks. Feel like throwing the 2 kids to him but then Aricia kept crawling back to me.Ohh! Finally Aricia managed to sleep in the bassinet and she looked so sweet.... she's sweet when she's quiet.

Arrived HKG at close to 7pm, by the time we reached our hotel in Kowloon, it was already 8+. Aricia's hungry for milk + the new restriction on liquids carried onboard etc.. didn't permit me to have my hot water ready for Aricia. Had to use the tap water to boil water for her milk.
(I hate the restriction coz' as it is both my children drink alot of water. And I had a screaming Athena "mummy...I'm very thirsty. Why you didn't bring my water bottle? I'm very THIRS.....TY........... you know? " even before we got on the plane.)
Had our dinner and did some stock up on drystores before resting in the hotel. Okay, now the children have bottled water to drink.
The children were so excited with the bathtub. Suaku! The bed is huge - bigger than King size, we all slept comfortably... that is until the 2 kids kept turning and slept in funny ways and we're both about to fall out from both sides of the bed. I really wonder how the 2 of them can turn so much in the bed. (we used to form a letter H with Athena being the horizontal line, now we can form the letter M)
Day 2 : 2nd September (Sunday)
As it was Sunday, there were huge crowds everywhere. Worst! There were the throngs of Filipinas workers down at the Exchange, and Indonesians at Causeway Bay. Practically sitting down anywhere and picnicking.
We went to 山顶, it's been a long time since I last went up to the Peak. Wish I can stay in one of the condos up there and leave behind my worries and stress. We took a cab up and bus down. And then I start to recollect my last trip there with my buddy - Juliet. That time the bus were non-aircon, and when we took the bus down there were many branches sticking out from the trees were slammed against the bus. Needless to say, we were both laughing and trying to duck down from the branches scrapping our faces - can't imagine 2 scar faced stewardesses onboard.
The kids are tired. Athena's complaining tired from walking coz' we went up without the stroller. Aricia slept in the baby carrier (anyway she liked that) whilst hubby carried that pui pui girl for awhile + panting away.
At ground level, we walked around Causeway Bay, Sogo, Times Square. Was so happy to find Krispy Creme - a famous doughnut shop from the US- in Times Square. Was telling hubby "good! no crazy queue here." We bought a few which finished quite fast. Had my 許榴山. Yah! I'm going to eat as much as I can of 許榴山 and 鱼 蛋 for the next 8 days to make up for my loss.
Headed back to hotel vicinity to have our dinner and rest for the night. I was feeling feverish and tired. Oh no!
Day 3 : 3rd September (Monday)
Hubby decided to work from the room instead of going down office. Took a lunch break (at the same time for housekeeping to clean our room) and we had Tim Sum in a restaurant. Goash! We can't eat much so wasted. Would love to order everything they have but...my throat is sore when I got up this morning. Planning, maybe one day I shall bring them out to Ocean Park by myself, hubby tell me I better don't geh-kiang, how to manage the kids alone. I think I can do it, since I'll carry Aricia infront of me, bring the stroller and then when it comes to the stairs in the train station, I'll drag it down. Hee!
In the evening, we brought the kids out for the Symphony of Lights show. All was well until Aricia vomitted. I thought it was hubby who accidentally "pressed on her stomach" coz' we just had our dinner. And we brushed the incident aside - she dirtied her dress but..oh well we will head back soon.
Athena asked to take a boat, so we obliged her with Star Ferry to Central and back. Aricia vomitted again while waiting for the boat back (this time on me), and thought nothing of it but will give her medication back in hotel.
Back in the room, I had to wash her clothes. And we already had so many clothes on the laundry line. So... now is the start of my misery. Let me tell you, I've never washed the clothes so many times in a day. I've never seen myself standing infront of an ironing board ironing clothes and here I am - ironing them to dry them quickly. (just incase you're wondering : hubby and myself are light travellers. Depending on trips, we'll pack and use the same clothes twice - of course washed. Needless to say, I needed to wash clothes during this trip but coz' she vomitted another 2 more times in our room, I had to keep washing and washing.)
That's the start of my misery. I noticed she hasn't pee-ed in her diapers though she drank alot of water. I might bring her to see the doctor tomorrow if the medication don't help her. As for me, my sore throat got worst and was worried if my sore throat passed to her. And I don't have medication for sore throat.
Day 4 : 4th September (Tuesday)
Ouch! There's a sharp pain in my throat. Aricia didn't vomit but she's lost all appetite - I'm so concerned if she really got the sore throat from me.
Brought her to the clinic - TY (it's something like our Raffles Medical) nearby. Waited so long to see the doctor. And I finally knew why?! The doctor took so long with each patient and ....at one point I happened to see what he was typing into the computer system. Guess what? He was on a google page searching for a medicine or checking dosage or what? Huh? at that time I dunno if I'm putting our lives at risk. Doctor kept saying "she's alright. she's okay, I tested her by seeing how she'd react when I left her on the bed. She crawled to you means she's okay." Huh? Of course lah! That koala only wanted mummy, I left her there she was wailing out loud. She tired also will die die crawl to me right?? Then he said "I see what problem and cure her from there" - like I dunno like that.
OMG! S$14o each to see a doctor each. Total=S$280. Must be they charge hefty sum for travellers right? The angmoh before us was charged about S$160.
Walked around a little before heading for lunch.
Aricia totally didn't want to drink milk but she seems to love water even more so went to supermarket to buy glucose. Then she started having diarrhoea, worst when she suddenly poo-ed and it got on my top while we were having lunch. I was smelly and so conscious when people were walking next to me. Back in the hotel I had more washing to do; ironing while the children slept.
I can earn my holiday there by offering laundry service at a fraction of the price you know?! That's what I did for the rest of the day. Hubby asked if I wanted to go out for dinner or if he should buy back. I wasn't keen at all to go out so he went out with Athena and bought dinner back for all of us.
Day 5 : 5th September (Wednesday)Walked down a further distance to where the crew stayed. I miss my wanton noodles from that shop. Yums! Then had my 許榴山 and 鱼 蛋 again. It was a struggle with 2 kids, Aricia with her swiping hands and Athena with her whiny "I cannot eat... I dowan to eat.... etc..." She was getting on my nerves and I swear I was about to throw her in the streets.
Walked to shopping malls but can't shop - with a koala clinging how to try clothes? But I did try at one of the shops in Park Lane. Got a screaming kid wanting me, passed her my handphone to play with the music; then the che-che must snatch it away "mummy! I want Dora song." Mei-mei cry.........and I get so pek-chek.
I tried 3 clothes, only the last one seems to fit me nicely. But.........it's S$400 for that dress!!! And was told it's from Japan, it's definitely not friendly for fat people like me. The largest size they have is M and it's really small. I mean it's really small...
Then decided I should try book stores or toy shops to get things eg. right brain training for the children. Can't find what I'm looking for. Kept my eyes opened for favors for their parties - can't find for Aricia's baby einstein theme. Umm..bad luck!
Went back hotel and let the children rest, Aricia's much better today. Still having diarrhoea but at least she's taking something equivalent to Pediasure. But she was still sleepy, at least I can rest but I want my Aricia back!!
Dinner - we all walked all the way to Ladies Street for dinner - Portugese food! Tiring coz' we had to carry and push Athena in the stroller. That lazy girl!!
Day 6 : 6th September (Thursday)Brought the kids out alone again. Aricia is more alert and was tempted to bring them out further but hubby said he'll finish work early, so we can go out earlier today.
Been wanting to bring them to Toys R Us and Avenue of Stars.
And that's what we did. The kids had fun in Toys R Us, I was so happy that I found some Baby Einstein toys there but it's for 9-12 months old, and I'm always looking for a toy that is for older age group so that it can last me longer. In the end, I got a food tupperware for her instead.

Actually she has so many tupperware from her che-che... but I'm too impulse and wanting to get her something from Baby Einstein for her..... spend $$ impulsively!
Day 7 : 7th September (Friday)Yay! Finally I can bring them out much further away. Was eye-ing on this Snoppy Place which sounded interesting. Took a train to Shatin. They had fun there.
Got back to hotel at 4+, just before the office crowds comes in. Look so guai infront of hubby, he asked "so you brought them around our hotel?" "No, I brought them to take a train to Shatin." "Shatin?!" At least this time he wasn't in for any shock (I brought Athena on my own to Germany from Switzerland and he gasp in horror ) coz' we were still in the country. Haha!
Day 8 : 8th September (Saturday)Checked out of our hotel. We took the most un-thought transportation to our hotel in Disneyland. Hubby's colleague gave him a contact number of this guy who does delivery in his van. So it's like illegal thingy... but heck lah! it's quite an experience. Luckily we didn't get kidnapped, for sure we can't do this in some countries.
Hubby wanted to go to Ngong Ping but knowing the whiny and complaint-queen aka Athena cannot climb up; cannot this, cannot that - decided against it.
Instead his colleague told him of this outlet place -
Citygate. Must admit it's really cheap but aint easy to shop with 2 kids. Athena's shoes somehow spoilt this morning, probably knowing that we're going shopping.
This is what happened in a shoe shop :
(trying on shoes) and you hear 'tak tak tak' - testing shoes. Then you hear "mummy, this shoe I cannot run very fast!!!" So, now you know how she test her shoes, she wasn't walking but running!
Aricia has been pinching me. Oh! She's finally back to her usual self.
Rested in the nice Disneyland Hotel and Disneyland here we come...........tomorrow I mean!
Day 9: 9th September (Sunday) - DisneylandReally crowded, because of Athena we took those rides. Becoz' of her, we had to endure 3 carousel rides with her. But I must admit, I felt a sense of euphoria when the carousel started, and I was so happy. Disneyland what! It's not as big as Anaheim's but I think it's a good start for us, coz' with 2 kids it really took us 2 days to complete everything.
I dunno if I was more excited than Athena or she is. Apparently, I was like a papparazzi running whenever I see the characters and asking Athena to queue up etc.... then most photos were of her or the 2 children (someone gotta carry Aricia lah!) She managed to get photos of all the Princesses.
The highlight of the Disneyland trip, was the 8pm fireworks. It's beautiful and how I wish I am a child again. Athena that scaredy-cat so afraid, whereas Aricia was more brave and started clapping her hands.
Oh! I forgot .... they have a parade at 3.30pm. And it's called Summer Blast where they have water spouting on every floats.. very good for such hot weather. Aricia was very sporting, I expected her to cry but she laughed away; clapped her hands. And then opening her mouth to drink the water - yeeks! Everyone around us were looking at this sporting baby.
Shopping : so many cute things. Was so tempted to buy the polka dot dress to dress my Aricia as minnie mouse. I think I shall call her Mini Mouse instead!
This is my favourite shot of Aricia. Small enough to sit on the pail.
She was so blur when it came to Snow White. I was worried if she might fall backwards

We took so many photos of the Disney characters, none attracted Aricia's attention until Marie came along. She makes a "ay......."sound and seems curious to touch. I didn't understand why she liked Marie (coz I never even show Aristocat to them what!) until I came to the conclusion.... she always like to see cats and dogs. So she's happy with this big cat and probably it also look like her, since I always like to tie one 'coconut' for her to keep her hair away from her eye.

Something magical must happen in the land where magic dreams comes alive right? Aricia dropped her magical potion - her pacifier - after the fireworks.
Back in hotel, we gave her the spare pacifier but she didn't like it. She wanted only me to carry her to sleep and only in a certain position, which I can't sleep!
Shucks! I think we're in for more trouble on board tomorrow.
Day 10 : 10th September (Monday)
Finished the remaining rides in Disneyland. Hubby was telling me the Space Mountain is very scary, and I wanted to take that. Went in alone. Wow! So fun! But I must admit old liao, I used to be able to take a few rides sitting in the front. This time round, I sat in the front once, came out and felt giddy.
We went back to the hotel to get our bags and make our way to airport.
As I was cleaning the children in the toilet, hubby called me to inform me that Donald Duck is in our hotel lobby. And I thought having characters in the hotel was just a gimmick, never really expected to see one... so it's for real... but at that kind of timing 3pm - who's in the hotel?? Abit siao!
She was very fretty onboard, in the end we didn't need the bassinet. It's light load, and I'm surprised that service was very lacking. And worst still, in both sectors the crew never even addressed hubby - the PPS. Whereas the previous flight, they addressed me as the PPS - when I was sitting in hubby's seat. Err.....never check salutation on the PIS.
More photos will be uploaded in my Ofoto album, which I will advice when it's done.