Saturday, June 30, 2007

When should I try to teach table manners?

Let's start by being rather broad in our definition of table manners. Let's call it acceptable behavior at the table. I hope that you are setting a good example from the very beginning. This means no arguments at the table and staying seated for the entire meal. It also means no television when you are eating. Don't complain about the food, don't share with your child the list of the foods you don't like and why. In other words, your dinner table (and lunch and breakfast) behavior should be pleasant, upbeat, and positive, and considerate of others at the table.
Whether you put your elbows on the table and how you hold your fork are issues that you can fine-tune later on.

When your child is beginning to eat in a highchair, do not tolerate intentional spills and food throwing. As soon as it happens, stop the meal and get him down, even if he hasn't eaten very much. The behavior will stop promptly, or at a minimum you will quickly learn that he isn't hungry.

As your child becomes a toddler, make it clear that he doesn't have to clean his plate or even eat anything, but that he is expected to behave. He may get down from the table and play quietly in the dining area, but he doesn't return to the table, and as soon as he misbehaves he is in for a time-out. Point out that this "time-out" is not because he wasn't eating, but because he was misbehaving.

By following these simple rules your child will soon want to share the dining experience with you and will learn good table manners by watching your example.

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