I can't believe it. My youngest girl is 10. Soon, she'll grow up and leave home. I must admit I'm not looking forward to this at all as it also means I'll be old and wrinkly by then.
Can I put a standstill to time?
We didn't have a party for her this year. Have to maintain a low-key for all celebrations this year. Maybe we'll organise one for her when she is 11.
She's lucky that she didn't have to go to school on her birthday this year. It seems like for many years, this date coincides with something that she is given a special holiday from MOE. This year is Project Click, where the kids get to stay at home and do work assigned by teachers in mconline. However, the next two days after that is her Oral examinations. So it's not exactly a nice enjoyable treat for her either. She will have to mug the books revising apart from doing the assigned work given by school teachers.
The day before : 18th September (Sunday)
We brought her out for lunch at NEX. She had wanted Swensens but the queue was very long, so she settled for MOF instead.
Days ago, she told me she wanted a birthday cake from Polar. She wanted those cute image cakes. She suggested that she can choose the design she wanted. We chose a small cake coz' the whole family seems to cut down on cakes. Hmm... I wonder why? Though I had a crazy idea to bake her a small TsumTsum swissroll. In the end I gave up the idea, I simply can't find the time to bake.
Che-che and I thought this cake looks cute. However it's a big cake (but still smaller than some other cakes) the birthday girl didn't want it
She settled for this $7.50 cake in the end. She used to like Tweety. Practical coz three of us got to eat a small piece, che-che got half of it and everyone's happy. I've got a practical and easily contented child (I think)
She asked daddy for a birthday present - A DOG!! As usual, we'd go to Pet Safari to look at dogs. (It's a routine thing the girls would do when we're in NEX) Then as usual, in her usually loud voice she'd say she wants this dog and that dog. Nope! No dogs; no cats; no fish; no terrapin. There were a few cute ones, I especially like the black sheltie.
After we got home, I decided to let them relax today. I'll start panicking and dump one whole load of stuffs to make her memorise tomorrow. Let her play in the pool with the crocodile float I bought some time back. She had such a great time.
At the pool, she hardly played with it when a small boy came up to her. And she asked him if he wanted to play with it? So sweet right? There's something about this girl. Though she drives me/us crazy with her non-stop yakking; she irritates us by asking silly questions. She has the heart of gold. She's a nice, caring girl. They had so much fun playing together. After the boy left, she had the whole float to herself. But just as we were leaving, a few kids came and one of them asked me if she could play with lil' one but I explained that I needed to go back home already, perhaps we can play together next time. Well, if that girl asked her direct for sure she'll (lil' one) gladly jump down from her float to let her play.
Dinner was something simple. They wanted to make their own pizza. Followed by her birthday cake. She's one happy child!
She was bored to tears after finishing her cake. Nobody made any move, just acted so normal. Dad walked into the room; che-che went back to her room; she was stuck outside at dining table playing with a canned drink while I was busy washing dishes. Perhaps she was feeling a little disappointed that nobody remembered to give her anything. I would feel that way you know...... She said she was bored, she didn't know what to do. So I suggested studying and she rebelled. Then I told her I just remembered my "essential oil parcel came and I needed to top up my oils and she can help me open up the box" She didn't suspect a thing but found it strange to have newpapers inside instead of the usual bubble wrap. And when she saw that bottle.... I got it down on video... That look makes me so super happy.

Posing with her presents from us. Well actually..... it's more than these. On Friday, she asked for a file & a Tsum Tsum compact scissors from Character& Design as her present. Weeks before, she asked for a Tsum Tsum pencil case. She wanted Marie but they didn't have it so she got the Alien from Toy Story.Wah..... my girl knows how to ger-tok the mother!!
Happy Birthday, my dear girl.
I love you very much