Thursday, January 31, 2019

Posting results is OUT

I prayed that she could get into the school of her choice. Usually with school selection using the previous year's COPs is like gambling and having risks involved. You wouldn't know if the COP is going to increase or decrease. Moreover with 4 JCs merged, I wasn't sure if the other JCs are going to increase their intake. So we gotta to strategize properly. 

I didn't expect the posting results to be out so soon. I thought results would be sent out at 9am but I got the message at 6+. I couldn't break the news to che-che who is still sound asleep but told hubby about it. 

I am pleased that she got into her first choice. (She was very confident though coz her score is much lower than the previous year's COP.)    

She's happy. However 2 of her friends didn't get their first choice. Sobs! She'll be alone.

Reporting to JC tomorrow. Luckily I had kept one set of uniform for keepsake. I had totally forgotten about her required to wear secondary school uniform for reporting and orientation and had donated back to the school the rests of it. *bleh*  

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