Wednesday, March 5, 2025

My break

Took a break for 1/2hr before chiong-ing NTUC after dropping lil’ one in school this morning. Then it’s back to home for scheduled houseworks and some additional works -tidying the cleaning aids trolley, hopefully can clean the shoe cabinet and re-line the inside. Oh! I almost forgot a new area to clean - I sprayed insect repellent (lots of it) at the yard and louvre window area to chase that huge #%^*!! lizard out of the house last night. 😅 Who says doing housework is just vacuuming and mopping? Some even don’t vacumn n mop daily! 😱

Rarely have breakfast but haven’t had soft boiled eggs for quite a while. I need my fuel refilled, already feeling slumped mid-week and bottled up frustratio

Time to shop. Then work at home, then cook. Sigh…… I need a helper!!!!! 

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