According to AI Overview :
Planning is good because it helps you achieve your goals by providing a clear roadmap to follow, allowing you to utilize your time effectively, make informed decisions, reduce stress by mitigating uncertainty, and identify potential obstacles in advance to develop contingency plans, ultimately increasing your chances of success.
My thoughts on their definition : -
Contingency plan : yah…a pessimistic person like me who thinks too much on “what if”. It only made a simple task to a double or triple fold task. Ha!
Not sure abt increasing chances of success coz I’m no living testament to that.
I love to plan not just for holidays. Ooh! This popped up at the right time in my FB. Credit to @ottieandotter
I plan on what I need to do on a daily basis. And because I do try to follow regimentally sometimes I do get irritated when it doesn’t fall on plan. Yup! I think that’s my flaw. It’s not that I cannot be adaptable to changes, I can and I HAVE TO, I only feel frustrated when I gotta make changes to other days just coz of one interruption.
(4) have also listed on the cabinet doors on what dry pantry items I have, listed with the expiry dates. Makes clearance faster too when I do my occasional 6mths purging and tidying.
Sometime last Nov/Dec when I was tidying up the bomb shelter I managed to take some things out and start doing stock taking. I was a little happy but it’s difficult to keep crossing out (when I take to use them) and then adding them (when I buy to top up) on the testpad paper. Makes it even more inaccurate when hubby don’t update the list for me. Is this a necessity in the first place? As long as I have my “at least 2 extra bottles of Dettol at all times”, why do I even bother to stocktake on the toothpaste and shower gel and all? Maybe I’m just bor daiji chwher daiji zor 没事找事做。However I must admit when I did that, it somehow made me feel I have control of my life. Haha! More likely it’s control of my 阿嫂-ness.
Three lists stuck behind the bomb shelter door - my keto pantry and two lists of all the supplies needed for home
Then just 2 days ago I was using my iPad and looking at my 日本語 revision notes in Goodnotes and went through all the other documents. Haha! My attempt in German - 3 pages of notes on Das alphabets 😂 and that’s it!
Then I thought since I used to buy my planner and two study trackers from Etsy, I should kapo and see what new designs are there on sale now. Didn’t buy anymore planners as household chores schedules are at the back of my head and coz there’s no need now to monitor any kid’s academic progression.
I still have the cute fonts and stickers where it made my planning so aesthetically nice and so motivated to carry them out.
Since I’m on the track on tracking my supplies at home why not I check if there’s such a thing. Lo and behold there is log tracker and I bought two.
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