Chanced upon this at NTUC. Suppose to buy one item - shallots, came out of NTUC with extra five other things 😂. It happens all the time.
This is one of the 5 other things, the other 4 are oreos and yam bao lil’ one wanted.
Back at home. 130ml water only? Actually I realised I never paid attention to the amount of water needed for all the other drinks, always based on my 1/2 expertise from brewing kopi onboard, and my drinks turn out ok. I only knew how smart I was when lil’ one commented that the ones I made taste better than what she and daddy made. I take that as a compliment.
I noticed the amt of water needed today just as I was taking pic of the box 😂 before unboxing. Usually it’s quickly tear the box and then put the pods in the pod holder and junk box after that 🤣.
Wah… False advertising. Where got so much? Did they zoom up the pic to make it look like a huge cup?
Tastes not too bad. Luckily I’m not a content creator where I need to take nice asthetic photos of my drinks and food, I drank my pathetic amount of drink in that huge Sumikko cup 🤣.
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