Friday, January 17, 2025

When every minute counts

When every minute matters. With lil’ one’s school dismissal at 12pm and therapy at 3.30pm, it means I need to make full use of whatever time I have. 

The day started with hubby sending lil’ one to school at 7+ for school to start at 8am. Was too tired to get out of bed even though I slept early last night (early in my standard). I couldn’t go back to bed after she roused me from my sleep “who’s sending me to school?” Volunteered to send che-che to work. Had some time while she got ready for work so used the time to remove the curtains in living room n lil’ one’s room. I can’t remove the curtains in master bedroom coz the stupid cabinet is in the way (who puts the cabinet all the way so in leaving only 1cm for the curtain rod?) and che-che’s room (coz I can’t open up the ladder with her bed in the way. N too short when I use her bed as a stepping stool). Started washing the curtains in batches. 

Left one set of curtains to do the tumbling in the house and I brought the rests out and dropped by the 24hr laundromat. 

Had to remember to bring che-che’s chicky chicky. I washed it and air-dried it few days back but coz it’s been raining, now chicky chicky smells. Re-washed it today and brought it to the laundromat with me. 

Separated into 2 dryers and put for half hour ($5 each dryer), packed lil’ one and my lunch at coffee shop next door and went to pick her up from school. 

The curtains completed its dryer run when I was otw home, barely 2km out from her school. Yippee! Curtains dried, che-che’s chicky chicky is fluffy and smells nice. 

Between 12+ to 2+ : Back at home. Last batch of curtains done and did our laundry. Brought them out with me, was hoping to throw them into 3 dryers and spin at a lesser time but alas! All dryers were utilised. Kept the damp stuffs in the car while I brought lil’ one for her therapy. Didn’t walk around much, packed dinner and dropped by NTUC and then went back to the car to rest. Closed eyes for 15mins is better than walking around aimlessly mindlessly. 

Reached back close to 5pm and promptly went over. Thank goodness all dryers are empty. Threw into 2 dryers for 18mins each (cost : $1/ 6mins. So $6 gone!)

Dropped lil’ one back at home and picked up the washed undergarments. Should have asked hubby to help wash the socks. I did a quick wash run for 15minutes

and came back with the curtains and clothes dried. Dump all the undergarments and socks into one dryer for 18mins. Aiyah! Don’t care 了。It’s not a huge quantity each batch so …. Want to put into 2 dryers is akin to wasting money. 

By the time all is done, it’s already 5mins to 6pm. Should I pick che-che up or not? In the end, I simply headed home, I’m so tired today from all the running around + cleaning windows and doors, all I look forward to now is a nice warm shower and rest.

$19 gone just like that! I’m grateful that we have this 24hr coin operated laundromat only 350m, a 5min walk away from us. Used only in emergency. However I must admit I like the idea of not having any laundry hanging around in the yard area. In the meantime, I’ll need to look to get a new one. I haven’t washed our sweaters and thermal yet. Sobs! Can’t do it in damp weather.

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