Saturday, September 14, 2024

iMovie roll record

As at 14th Sep - camera roll 28658

Actual photo taken on 21st May - 554

After deleting the related 21st May photos - 27929. After minus-ing the actual 554 photos, I had 175 of 'extras for imovies', proper photos and 'rubbish photos that require me to delete from camera roll. Sometimes I have screenshots of recipes, or study tips or whatever I'm interested in which explains how the rubbish photos in the roll.  

Anyway, I have 22nd May in the app ready for editing but I'm not going to do anything for now. Maybe I should take the time in Korea to do the imovies immediately, so I just bring home and transfer all pics out. Currently I have 33.39 GB to use, I hope I don't overcrowd my camera roll again. Otherwise I might end up trying to delete apps just to get some space, which I've already did.    Bringing the sandisk with me incase I need it.

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