Monday, July 22, 2013

Naming a child

When news of the wife expecting a baby, the new parents are battled with two questions. First question would be the gender of the baby - such that they can plan the colour of baby's layette. Second question would be what to name the baby. (just in case you're wondering.. Nope! I'm not pregnant. I'm really happy with just 2 - to keep myself sane) 

Was reading my old blog entries. (kindda good to have this blog to revoke my otherwise senile-ly mind) Somewhat this caught my attention. So, you must be wondering if I whacked anyone up? Nope, but many people get her spelling wrong - Alicia in all these 7 years. Yes, many times I get a "what?" when I spell out her name. After explaining the meaning, they do realise it's a nice name afterall.

Well, at least her name is not a ridiculously made up name.

Athena finds pride in her not so common name too. Always telling me " there's so many Sarahs, Nicoles, Alexis, Megans, Clares in the school. But there's only one Athena in the whole school."
When I explained to the two girls the meaning of their name, they knew their names held such strong meaning. But.......... they're from what their name means.
My Goddess of Wisdom is not exactly any wise
My Royal blood Princess of Athens is wayyyyyyyyyy too gangster-ish to be a Princess.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Little Ballerina

After pestering us for 3 year (Yes, 3 years) daddy finally said yes to his lil' darling. OMG! I'm not very pleased and I am still very firm with my NOooooo.
Daddy is such a However this time round, the lil' one has a backup - all she needed to do was to quote daddy's big name and I have to  ..... 真是的

The reason why I didn't want any more classes is because I'm the chauffeur. Always seem so easy to agree on any courses but I have to plan the classes between the two of them. The search for Ballet school began. We found one that is on the same day as che-che's Chinese Compo   class. Same building too so save the hassle of running around from place to place. I have 20 mins of free time in between.

It's her first lesson today. And she's really happy. I'm beginning to suspect this lil' one is the sporty kind. Oh well, I have resigned to my fate and shall let her do what she wants  

Friday, July 5, 2013

Gimme a gun to shoot myself

Oh my! Older girl came back to tell me. "Mummy, we need to stay back on Wednesdays now. It's compulsory." She continued rattling on "if I had known, I shouldn't have joined the Math Olympiad class in  Semester 1. Now I have no chance to go home early on Wednesdays."
Poor kids subjected to all these in school. I dare not tell her that she's suppose to stay back 3x a  week next year (just on sup alone) And with the SYF next year too?
That aside, homeworks were fisbee-ed to us. Sigh... there it goes again 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Term 3 - let's hope it's a good start

After hugging my beloved Buddha's leg the last term, I hope this new term is kick-start to a positive soaring level. Please no more last minute revision