Hot like crazy. Think I wouldn’t feel that sticky uncomfortably hot if I did not do the ironing in the yard area.
Took a nice cold shower and sat on the bed with both aircon and fan on
A check. My goodness! Feels like 37
Hot like crazy. Think I wouldn’t feel that sticky uncomfortably hot if I did not do the ironing in the yard area.
Took a nice cold shower and sat on the bed with both aircon and fan on
A check. My goodness! Feels like 37
Bought this on Tuesday coz it’s so pretty and I’m crazy over sakuras 🌸 after a trip to Flower Dome. Ok this is really impulse buy 🤭
Wah! Super sweet. Nutri Grade F. Diabetes alert! Nice to see but 甜死你. The base pudding is super sweet, the clear part with petal is sweet but not as bad as the milky pink pudding.
I will have to struggle with the remaining 2 puddings
Let’s see… I did say I wasn’t going to blog about the last week but sometimes I do hate to leave things halfway. 要做就全部做好好、做完整。After this week there’ll be no such nonsense updates anymore.
10th Mar (Mon) - AT worked from home
Just getting about the day doing the usual. Why why why? Why on the day che-che works from home lil’ one has no HBL for the week?
Cooked mee hoon kueh for her lunch while I cleared a packet of crab croquette. While preparing mee hoon kueh’s soup I soaked the grinded rice for their tomorrow’s lunch - porridge. It’s a mixture of Thai and Japanese rice which will make the porridge a little sticky like eating cantonese chok. I decided it’ll be porridge for tomorrow coz noticed the minced pork I had portioned out is rather a lot for just mee hoon kueh alone.
@ 1.17pm taking today’s lunch to prepare for 24hrs later lunch (for girls tomorrow)
Lil’ one called at 1.24pm informing that she can leave school. Wow! 3 1/2hrs earlier. Ok good lah! Come back early then can rest, I can also do my things leisurely.
Tidied the winter stuffs into the respective boxes and our sweaters into the vacuum bags. My trying to be minimalist is working, my bag of sweaters and pants is the smallest bag. 👍
Cooked dinner and before 8pm the kitchen is cleaned and rubbish cleared into the chute. I was able to go back to my room to shower and rest, more likely to edit my blog entries and clear photos.
11th Mar (Tue) - Went to see my huay huays 🌸 🌸
Wah… when was the last time I went to Flower Dome? Impressions of Monet last August? 😳
Wanted to go for my tuina but was extremely hungry after sakura viewing. Wanted to look for the ふりかけ I bought for che-che in October 2023. (Blog entry #1. Blog entry #2)
So now the question is where? Where did I buy it from?
First thing first, makan! Too hungry. It’s been a long time since I had my chilli crab pasta. I was glad I stepped into Coffee Club 5 mins early as the crowds slowly came in at 11.20am. It’s always very crowded at noon time.
Since I was already in the vicinity I thought I should drop by the big Donki in Suntec. Won’t be in the area anytime soon after that. Have searched in Jewel’s Donki but don’t have so thought the slightly bigger outlets should have it. I went to Somerset 313 outlet more often then (during lil’ one’s therapies) , maybe last try would be that outlet but I’m pretty sure they carry the same thing in every outlets. Unless they stop bringing that in now.
@ Donki. So cute! Teeny weeny little oranges. Honestly I wonder who will buy them? People trying to dispose their money?
Went from Donki to Meidiya, and then hungry again. haha!
thinking “in the vicinity” again. Will be a quick one as I target the aisle. But …. I felt myself 1/2 transported back to Japan and I ended up walking and admiring the items s.l.o.w.l.y 😁.
*Oops! I’ve removed some into the SanDisk so just refer to that blog entry.
3rd Mar (Mon) - Monday blues made worst with housework. Oh! But coz lil’ one is on HBL so I woke up at close to 10am. I can’t remember what I cooked for her lunch 🙄.
After that I spent my time preparing for dinner while she’s in her room. Wah….kindda remind me of CB in 2020 when I start cooking dinner after I’ve been washed all the dishes used for lunch. Working non stop and crawled into bed daily.
@ 5.47pm : Thermomix dried and pushed back to position. Everything is ready to be served just need to warm up curry n miso soup n cut the cutlet. Want to shower but can’t will perspire later.
4th Mar (Tue) - Went for my tuina while che-che worked from home. Dropped lil’ one in school, went to SArmy at AMK area before going for my tuina. A lot of time wasted driving coz school and AMK is not near to each other.
Called mom but dowan to come by. Again it’s another 2 nights. I can’t accommodate more nights as I have already planned all Fridays with appointments a month ago and kept Tuesdays for my 推拿 days (found out my credit expires in April 😱. Which explains why I’m 拼命的在用 now, if not I won’t go back every week. 很 💸leh!) Aiyah! Told her I’ll get her over when hubby is away, she dowan to come. Next week I can’t ask her over as lil’ one has study break and I won’t even go to tampines area.
Yah! Busy with what. Housework, tidying up or decluttering places, cooking. Now I’m busier coz I need to get food prepared for their packed lunch. Have this mentality that since the kitchen is already messed up and dirty from cooking dinner, I might as well prepare the next day’s lunch. So the job is really neverending and tiring. When hubby is around, he can help to send while I crawl back to bed for another hour of sleep. Now I can’t coz everything is bao-ga-liao.
My own meals is haywire. Trying to clear the fridge coz received notice about shutting down electrical in 2 weeks time.
No time to update blog. Everything, as usual, is always backdated. Tho many people will think why blog then since it’s not that an important thing to do. Well … at this moment as long as my mind is still clear I’d do some update, I can read back next time.
I have things to do - translate some Japanese recipes. Flip thru the jap recipe books. Tho I tell you now by this 3rd week of solo, I’m most of the days dragging myself to bed.
I kindda pity che-che that she never gets a chance to go Orchard on a weekday and asked her how flexible can she be working outside. I do want to spend a quality time with my greedy girl who gorges on ramen, Azabu Sabo ice-cream etc.. It’ll be a nice break for her working outside with a change of environment but her job requires security and confidentiality so it can be challenging.
Dropped by Kinokuniya. Altho I never liked her wasting money on all her Jap magazines but I went to buy for her. Spent some time flipping through books, I usually can’t do this coz lil’ one will always stand so close to me. And she doesn’t like to read, I feel really awkward to have someone breathing down my back.
Tonight I was taking out my small label printer when I saw a packaging. Alamak! The grounding sheet I bought in July last year! I’ve yet to try. So took it out to try. Will post about this grounding sheet another time.
5th Mar (Wed) - after dropping lil’ one I came back home doing the usual.
Also as I hardly open the letterbox, I went to open it today and saw a notice informing that electricity will shut down in 2 weeks time for 4 hours. What?! Looking at how much I’d be cooking, I won’t be able to clear some frozen food in time.
Took time to look through the fridge and freezer and did some clearing.
Exhausted! Sat down and had my lunch and a cold Ribena. Needed to replenish my sugar.
It was 9.20pm when I had my dinner. Exhausted. Coz had to pick checche up from work I had already spent more than 40mins out. Thank goodness already finish cooking dinner. But wasted time for that ride to and from lor! I probably won’t have my dinner that late.
Mid Week 03 and I’m so tired. I desperately need a solo holiday not a solo handling a house.
6th Mar (Thu) - AT work from home then has the 1/2 day off. I think the 1/2 day off is for the weekend she had to work.
Dropped lil’ one school, made an unscheduled trip to NTUC to get chicken fillet. Wanted to make chicken mushroom baked rice but I realised it has a smell. Didn’t want to poison my kids. Saw this (pic) and reminded me of tingkat days when Athena was young. I’d usually keep the rice for my next day’s lunch coz the tingkat caterer always give so much rice, and fry luncheon meat and rice with this sambal paste.
She was meeting C, her uni friend for uncle wanton so asked me to send her. I ate with them at Ray’s place since she made me travel to MP. They had plans after lunch and left, as for me I made a trip to Kim Choo to get rice dumplings before
7th Mar (Fri) - Short day for lil’ one and I have appt made at 10am in PP. She told me she ends school possibly even much earlier at 11+ - 11.30am. What!!!