Sunday, August 4, 2024

Review of Luke’s Lobster

Finally tried Luke’s Lobster after they arrived on our shore 4 years ago. 
I wasn’t willing to try then coz felt it’s too expensive for something which will not make me full. 
Decided to try it today and won’t eat it anymore.
My personal review. 
** pls note that prices in US are without tips unless otherwise indicated
And for those who wonder why I am allergic to certain prawns but not to lobster, I really have no idea why. Maybe my body is meant to ingest expensive food😂. haha!
And now after typing this, I want to say I miss Boston!

In Boston che-che ordered lobster with truffle butter (US$24 + US$1 for truffle butter) while I ordered crab (US$17). Lobster is from Canada as what they claimed not that I can tell any difference 😜.
Singapore’s lobster roll is (S$25.50) claimed is from Maine but eh you give me one from M’sia I also dunno. [Truffle butter lobster roll costs S$30.50].
A fair comparison would be US$24 vs S$25.50. But it makes me wonder how is it that it’ll be so expensive after the conversion to eat in Boston when the lobster is swimming somewhere near there (fly from Cape Hood to Boston, both on east side of the continent) vs we need to fly the lobster over many miles across the land masses and ocean?
Bread roll is longer and skinnier here. I assumed the roll is supplied locally as it doesn’t make sense to fly them over. Taste wise coz I did try che-che’s lobster roll (but hate truffle), I would say it’s not bad here. How many chunks of lobster meat in the roll I believe should be the same. Tho she dropped one huge piece on the floor in Boston and my heart was screaming 💸 heartpain.

In Quincy Market, we tried this one a day before, lobster salad roll for USD29 (I think it should be slightly cheaper coz I threw receipt away and only checked back my card, must have added the tips in it)

All the lobster bisque. I love 🦞 bisque.

Well…when you’re in Boston you gotta eat their seafood. I have one girl who don’t eat many seafood, I don’t eat clam, oysters anything except scallops in the mollusk family myself. So really can’t eat the freshest bestest seafood, which turns out well coz when you start calculating the cost of food, it’s so expensive! #shouldbringtravelcooker#

Since I hate clams, I should try lobster bisque. Top left pic of lobster bisque - I had it in a restaurant which I told girl the total cost of our meal came up to few dollars short of $100, by the time I add tips in. Sigh….. told girl it’s the most expensive meal so after that we should eat cheaply. I only tried 2 lobster bisque in Boston, so I must admit that’s the better one. (USD10.50 vs USD6.30. Maybe not a fair comparison coz the quantity is different + one in better setting.
I didn’t like the one from Quincy Market (had this a day before the restaurant meal) and was so thankful I ordered a small cup to try. But there were huge chunks of meat in both soup.

Singapore’s S$12.50. Taste just like the one in Quincy Market but only 2 small bits of meat.

Will I eat at LL again? Most likely no. I’ve tasted better lobster bisque in restaurants here.

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