Friday, August 23, 2024

On This Day - (23rd Aug) #Reminders from FB#

23rd Aug 2023


She Athena Ting brought this Ghibli display to my attention and asked to buy her shirts n a bag.

Ah girl ah.... now you finally decide to buy more shirts.

You should have bought when I kept asking you right? Made it so difficult for me to pack your stuffs for you last week.


Socks is a bonus for her.

I think she also has Ghibli socks at home

They had this stamp rally which... I kindda regretted doing coz I couldn't align the stamp.

As I stamped the fire thingy, I thought of her.

Should have kept it as it is

I like neko basu.

Coz l like the song.

Soot sprites is another of my fav. Haha! Not Totoro; not No Face but the soot sprites.

Just coz I love the song. I love how the simple tune brings out the playfulness peekaboo dust bunnies .

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