Saturday, July 13, 2024

Let’s track

Let’s track how many photos I’m going to add into my phone. 

It’s 9.52pm now and will be heading to the airport at 10+pm. I’ve deleted some holiday photos over the years which I found are duplicates. I haven’t gone through all albums. 

Now my camera roll stands at 28093 
iPhone storage : 198.54gb of 256gb used
Photos storage : 107.66gb

I’ve deleted as many un-used apps for now. I hope I don’t have to start deleting more apps again. I do hope I will also try not to have duplicates in my roll. 

Let’s see how I’ll do for a one destination 6D5N trip. A red eye flight today, I think I won’t take much right?  I’ll track and update this as I go along my trip. 

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