Tuesday, July 2, 2024

On This Day - 2nd July #Reminders from FB#

2nd July 2015

2nd July 2015
Her funny sleeping pattern. On Tuesday - kneeling. Today - crossing her leg

2nd July 2014
My Little Elsa

2nd July 2011
We're only going for dinner n grocery shopping. Look at what lil' girl (our Aunty the ah-soh) insist on bringing out.


2nd July 2011
The girls r really excited. Had been eagerly waiting for today, kept bugging me when we're leaving the house. 
I gave them the go ahead to get dressed - in their swimsuit. I think abt it, I laugh. They think their swimming lesson is going to be playing water.


2nd July 2010
Rainy weather, Aricia got into cheery singing "There was a day when we got wet. And rainy was the weather. R-A-I-N-Y etc..." (to BINGO tune)
Athena is moody over her schoolwork and started singing "Everyday must do work. Do work, do work, do work. S-T-U-D-Y, S-T-U-D-Y, S-T-U-D-Y and study everyday. I ended with a "Yay O". *mummy mood spoiler*

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