Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Memory is bursting (iPhone related)

How much space does iPhone need for contacts? Maybe in my case it’s really a pathetic number as my photos take up the most, more than 50% followed by Apps. I’m always so desperate for space when on holidays that I end up deleting more apps (and hopefully remember to download back once I clear some photos. Clearing photos is usually not an immediate task for me too coz I’ll be busy with things around the house. Another post on iMovies is done and in draft folder somewhere!  Found it and LINKED IT HERE.

I'm not sure if 392 tags in Safari takes up memory too 😜

So while this blog draft was started on 12th July, I have been recording my camera roll, may not be an accurate count though as I do some photos which are in the phone temporarily until the ‘event’ or things I need to screenshot is not needed anymore and deleted. 

As at 31st July 2.33pm. I’ve already completed 2 days of iMovies (16th and 18th July) and now have 30,660 photos which I have to include the extras stuffs I took from website and screenshot to put inside the iMovies. I’m deleting them now >>>>>> FINAL COUNT 29, 873. So I've basically deleted 787 photos, some may not be related to the Japan 5 day holiday. Anyway speaking of iMovie, I suspect my memory space did affect my vivavideo loading up. Now that I have lesser photos and used up this much in my storage, I'm able to use back my vivavideo. 

Anyway...... now that I'm desperately clearing my photos. Still struggling with May's US and many others, I'm set to go on another trip to Seoul with lil' one in September and then goodness knows if I'll be able to do some days before the other next trip in December. So it's a happy problem, I've never travelled that many times in a year before. All within 2 months from each holiday (May, July, Sep, Dec). Haha! Maybe I'll have more time to clear between Sep and Dec since I've left the holiday planning to che-che. 我总觉得我是自找麻烦。我应该放弃做 holiday videos 吗?

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