Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Don’t play play hor ….

I’m a VIP. VIP in WinterTime 😂. 

Dropped by to grab some heatpacks and 3 more cheapo vacumn bags. Staff asked if I was a member, but I wasn’t sure if it is still valid so asked him to help me check. 

His reaction was different when he looked up from the screen. “You’re not a member but you’re our VIP.” I was laughing away and commented that “I’m such an Important Person means my status is higher than a member.” as if trying to act abit haolian. VIP in WinterTime is for life. 

Members will only get points. VIPs get discounts all the time and if there’s any sale in Expo, VIPs get extra discounts. Not bad not bad. Too bad I don’t buy anything now, I used to buy it quite often especially when the girls were growing up and I had to get bigger sweaters, pants and thermals. Now their size will more or less remain the same so no need to buy anymore. 


Ex CC, said...

Merry X,mas to you and family.

Lily Ann said...

Happy New Year! Sorry for late response.