Saturday, August 17, 2024

On This Day - (17th Aug) #Reminders from FB#

17th Aug 2023

*from “And off she goes!” album

Past few weeks - she was very busy meeting up her friends.

Final week - she left for family. What a week it was!

Eating and eating.

Just last night she exclaimed she wanted to eat the mee hoon kueh and Mie Sedap and took some packs to bring over. Walked to bomb shelter - rmbr she has some snacks. Open the fridge - saw her snacks.

Opened up the teabags drawer and helped herself to some tea. The whole time she was like in a treasure hunt like that!! Goes to show we can have another CB, we won't starve 😂

This - my going to be 21yr old daughter sometimes is still a baby at heart. When she was younger, she'll open the fridge and see her food and gasped "food".

Now? She opens the fridge and gasped "I forgot I have this" 🤦🏻‍♀️

She wanted to eat lots of things 😂

Footnote written in 2024 : Time flies! I was at Jewel when I went thru the FB Memories page. It’s been a year since she left and now she’s back since end May. She only did 2 semesters there as she mentioned she did a lot of modules in SIN. If not…. I will only see her maybe only now in US? 

Then everything was so exciting; new experiences and I’m glad she met some lovely girls there (Nathalie, Hoi Lam, Jeannie). They took care of her so well, I thought she would come back slim but they 养她白白胖胖. I hope their friendship lasts forever. And now forgetting her housemates - Sujin and another girl. Che-che brought back wonderful memories. Her life is that interesting, more interesting than her daddy n mummy who were stuck in Singapore for our studies. 

Dream BIG and enjoy the journey. First you Athena Ting need to endure the long journey.

Met the family for a meal, not the first kid in the extended family to study overseas but she's our first kid to do so 😂

Taken in 2005 just before brother flew off.

She so hiao must wear necklace some more 😂

This time is che-che flying off.

Ehh..... very dua jiak. Last time can kiap her head between the adults, now cannot 😂

And cannot sit on duakim's lap coz will break duakim's legs 😬

when che-che suddenly wanted to go karaoke

* this is a screenshot of a collage video I made*

Her selected toys. Not surprisingly her white bear follows her where ever she goes.

Andrea (brown bear) also followed her on some holidays.

Andrea is a toy daddy bought for her from SYD when she was a toddler, so maybe she's also quite attached to this toy.

Hugging one of the toys she bought for lil' one's BD.

She's such a sweet sister. Told lil' one "choose what you want since I won't be around for your birthday." Her mother's and father's bd she also not around, how come we have no presents 🤔😂?

The toy that has many name change 🤣

Her last eczema jab before she flies. Wah....... Spent so much money each jab. She took x10 (or was it 12x jabs?). The initial jab she was required to admit into the hospital. Somebody got a single room in Mt E Novena.

Her life so far, she stayed in hospital twice. First time when she was born in Mt E (then there was only 1 Mt E.) and this is her second time.

Anyway, the money hubby spent on the jabs - we can get one Suites return ticket to her destination. Or can even get a small Birkin!

Very heavy things to bring over - 6.5kg!!

The cold may be too too cold so needs to take more care. Stocked up on the medication and the lotions

Then she asked for chai-poh. My first time doing this, k.

Then altho I did chk with mom how to do this, I still failed. Became caramelised chai-Poh. Che-che had a good laugh over my failure.


When I showed mom my failed chai-poh, she's so encouraging lor..... che-che had that chuckled look on her face. Oh well, my girl is so forgiving also coz she knows her mom is a hopeless cook

Tried it second time and she brought this over.

I can't believe I would do such thing lor..... no wonder mom always cook something for me when I go on long

flights. Now I understand 妈妈的心.

Only left with this small empty bottle at home so have to pack the rest into small bags

We tried to fulfil her wishes. On this day, we all woke up and left house at 7am (a rarity on a weekend) just to eat at Swee Choon.

All were so tired coz slept late the night before. I had 2hrs of sleep; the girls had 3hrs of sleep coz che-che bunked in with lil' one and they were talking.

After breakfast, we headed back home and went back to sleep after our shower 😂😂.真的是吃了就睡的猪妈女



Dunno who's wish?



I'm not joking when we actually went from one place to another just to satisfy her cravings.

Not forgetting the BBTs too! Muahaha! I told her she has one BBT near her. "I only like Aê#'s". That's good news, means she will COME BACK HOME! I must remind her about her kueh tutu, her potato corner, her waffles etc etc.. she's as gluttony as her mom.

Made mango boba pearl for her

Then .... She asked for this. Look the same as above pic hor?

Yup! Asked for mee hoon kueh "with a lot a lot of kueh" She wanted fried rice for next day's "breakfast and lunch and tonight's snack too!"

Since kitchen already dirty so I did the fried rice and put it in the rice cooker which we had to reach up the cabinet for it.

Kitchen is finally cleaned! And it's already 1am, I need to shower again. But kitchen look messy lah! So many gadgets outside

And then while we still have the fried rice the next day, she asked for mee hoon kueh AGAIN!!!!! Kitchen messy again.

I want my showroom kitchen!

Ye-ye came by.

Busy ah-Yi called and talked to her

Not forgetting - mama's hae bi which che- che likes. She had it since young. I left this to mom to cook coz I already destroyed the chai Poh.

Just some home cook food to make her feel ..... will she miss us??

Then we dropped by pasar malam and she ate all sorts of food again. Fried ice-cream, fried Oreo, lekor, chicken skin.

Was suppose to eat mee hoon kueh but coz had junk food she's so full. I can't even rmbr what she ate that night after that? Instant noodles or was it ramen or ??

I'm confused 🫤

She's going with 1 bag and that's it. But tompang some items in daddy's bag.

Pink bag - food items. Told her in any case need to declare just open up to show, it's all in there I dowan to put in different luggages. Can die if need to dig this and that, open the vacumn sealed bags.

It's her snacks!! Made in Japan.

Actual fact, she's opening a Japanese mart there lah!

She couldn't finish what she bought in July so decided to bring them over.

She even packed her ramen. Still have some more at home, she's not getting married there so will be back.

Last evening, duagu Pauline Patrick Teo came by to see his "sng ga kia"

About last night .. che-che and lil' one

Lil' one is surely going to miss her "beastie"

Last night she was like "I want to eat xx. I want to eat yy.

I want to eat zz." She also asked for mee-hoon kueh.

Hubby n I looked at each other.

Ystd afternoon, she wanted to go Taka. So had her tummy filled fr food to açai. Scary right?!

Told her I'll cook for her in the next morning (today). And so I woke up to cook for her. Sigh.... I can't believe this lazy mom actually DID THIS FOR HER DAUGHTER.

Kindda rushing. Coz I also needed to send lil' one to school.

Nice of her friends to come over to send her off. I's a weekday and they have school so I wasn't expecting anyone to come by.

She's been so so busy for weeks meeting friends from sec, JC, uni.

Mama wanted to send off her first grandchild.

 tired me coz has to cook her mee hoon kueh in the morning. And last evening was spent checking the list.

Lil' one's parting present - a smack from daddy.

Just coz she told daddy ystd "anyway we're sending che-che off, not you. You're coming back so we send che-che off." Haha!

Last evening when I told them duagu is coming over. Lil' one asked why, so I told her "anyway he's not coming to see you. He's coming to see che-che." 🤣 #revenge#

Came home to see this left behind and reality sinks in.

I need to do all the housework. House is a mess coz l only vacuumed n mopped the house on Wed, left other housework aside. I wanted to spend as much time with che-che that's why brought her out Thu - deal with double mess

Sad!! Her white bear is with her.

Beginning to miss her. I shall do housework and keep myself busy.

Amplify music and zhor gang

17th Aug 2021

Just cause i needed to pass her hydrating masks (says her skin is very dry in the cold room), decided to pack lunch for her.

I've got the worst customer. She thinks I'm RocketGrab Service huh?

Told her the day before I will bring it to her "after school". She texted me at close to 12pm to complain she's hungry 😏. At the time She messaged, I was abt to leave house 🚗 . How to reach her in time and don't expect me to make 2 trips to Parkway just to deliver her food first.

No choice she has to wait coz I needed to drop by few places (missed out 2 in a haste! Sigh...) before I pack her


Lunch is dry beef noodles. Tutu kueh is her bonus, packed extra for the troublesome girl.

17th Aug 2018

My lil' nottie girl student card issued 6yrs ago. Biting her lips instead of smiling 🤪

17th Aug 2016

How to trust a GPS when it's leading you a big detour? Best thing is when the place is only 500m infront of me, still keep prompting me to make a U-turn to make that big detour. Siao!


17th Aug 2016

Enjoying her ice-cream in this hot day

17th Aug 2016

After the "fastest passport collection ever", I went back to MParade to have my lunch. And she missed it so much that I ordered a small plate for her, her second lunch.

(She's happy that finally she can get to the fast immigration lane. And I'm happy I don't have to be stuck with her while daddy n che-che can do a fast clearance)



17th Aug 2015

No offence but this is the greatest joke.开玩笑

17th Aug 2012

Editing fun! 

Childish teacher!

We are not suppose to call her by her name, but to call her 'teacher'. "call me teacher and not 陈老师.

I'm not going to be a Chinese teacher but a English teacher".

17th Aug 2012

Me: why didn't u tidy ur bed?

Girls : Sshhh...the bear bear are sleeping

Goes into the room to see this.

17th Aug 2012

17th Aug 2011

I didn't know Children's Day is changed to 7th Oct, supposedly to give them the long weekend. ?!?!

But hey! It's my birthday. So I make the girls Princess for the day, and they make me Queen for the day.

More likely they get treated better lah!

17th Aug 2009

is feeling vexed

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