Saw this Logitech ipad holder with keypad selling for $143 (member price) at Challenger
Thought it’s so cool and it is something that I’d like to have, something that will make my blogging on the go easier. [ok! But like how many times do I blog on the go outside?] That’s the “oldest” ipad model they carry. My iPad is ancient 6th gen 😂.
However being the giam siap I decided to look around first since I’m in no hurry to possess it now. As usual looked at my first shopping platform - 淘宝. Saw this sweet pink holder which looks almost identical to the current one I have.
But then I realised the keyboard is not fixed to the holder. So why waste the money when I have —>
—> this! I bought this 10 years ago, I used it when I wanted to type on the go with my iPhone. I think the last time I turned it on 😬 was 5-6 years back?
I couldn’t turn it on even after charging so junk it. No choice means I’ll definitely need to get a new one
After some search in 淘宝 decided to go with this for $37.50 (shipping added in)
Arrived on the 7th Mar. I’m enjoying it so far
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