Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Term 2 : Home cooked meals - mainly dinner 😬

3rd April (Wednesday)

Didn’t cook today as the man is busy earning money and bonus for his wife. Anyway it’s first Wed of the month 

4th April (Thursday)

Fishball noodle soup. Fishball n noodles cut for baby Aricia to eat in the car. 

Then I realised I forgot about my own dinner! 🤦🏻‍♀️ 

24th Apr ( Wed)

Didn’t measure so all eyeball. 

Marinating chicken in the "blended in Thermomix and had teeny sticks of lemongrass" 😄 marinade. Maybe I should replace the fresh lemongrass with lemongrass powder the next time I attempt this again. Or maybe I should look for other recipes

Left is pandan wrapped and fried, right side is grilled / baked in oven

Hassle free cooking. Steaming tofu while cooking rice. 

Extra lemongrass n pandan n not sure when will cook again so just boiled drink for self. No sugar or sweetener added. 

8th May (Wednesday)

Was suppose to cook dinner and clear out the some things in the fridge before I leave, but lil' one told me that she received the Members' Thankful Day message in school. They didn't have it last Wednesday as it was a PH. 
No cooking means more likely I won't be cooking anymore this term. By the time I returned from US, she'll have 1-2 weeks of break before she starts her internship. 

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