Monday, May 6, 2024

Been procrastinating

Have been procrastinating to pack my bag as I feel I have more important stuffs to do - trying to clear as many days of iMovie as possible to only —- > add more photos again 😬. Never ending! I hope I can find the time while I'm there to finish the iMovies.   

It's also the first time I’m packing so many clothes, 6 days + 1 wearing. Usually I'll just pack the most 3 and then be ah-soh and wash and wash. For this trip, maybe I will not do any laundry in the last station . Hey! If there's 1001 things to do in that city, do you think I'll squeeze out a time to do laundry where I need to walk out of the hotel? 

All into one packing capsule. Gao dim!

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