Sunday, October 13, 2024

Sewing a new pouch

When lil' one left her lA, her boss gave her this handmade with love pass holder. I love the material and pattern and told her about how I love Japanese fabric, the texture. I don't even know the name of the fabric.

Recently lil' one told me she wanted to change her old portable battery pouch (handsewn by me) and I made a trip down to Chinatown on Tuesday looking for fabrics as she wanted her new pouch in the

'whatever texture you say' fabric.

I only went into one shop, they didn't have the pattern in a particular material I wanted. Not sure about other shops but this shop do sell them in small pieces. I managed to find 2 and 1 of it is the texture I love. Chanced upon LTS.

She changed her mind after seeing LTS and asked me to sew her LTS pouch instead. 

For the one who always needed her mom to re-sew the stuffs we learnt for Home Econ, I didn't have any proper sewing tools. So used paper, pen and pencil and ruler. Had to calculate the extras cm I need to add for seams and all. 不会縫衣服的人需要想很久 😂. 幸好我的剪刀很尖

Lil' one 太看得起她的妈妈 asked me to sew for her a Japanese knot bag after this. Huh? I bought so small piece and .... I don't think I can do it. I might struggle with the pattern and will take a long long time coz I don't have a sewing machine.

Did some tacking today coz putting lining inside.

Then will do the proper stitching. Will take my own sweet time doing this coz back and neck aching after yesterday's massage.

So akan datang. Ah nia will show the final work when it's all done. I will need few days of rest after that 🤣

I left 1cm for seam but the fabric keeps fraying 😢. I had to tuck in and secure it down. But I’m sure with the constant pulling and pushing things in and out of the pouch, sooner or later the insides will have strings tangle in the insides. The next time I do, I shall do a double seam. 

Tired! I stopped sewing and going to rest the rest of the evening. 

On 13th Oct - just when I was about to finish this pouch, I realised I missed out a measurement!!!! My top allowance should have additional measurement to fold down the part to put the strings in. My goodness! 

Haiyah! Just sew a press stud and asked her to use it to keep other things. 
I will have to sew again another pouch, this time round I will do a double seam to prevent the frays from getting entangled inside. Sigh…it’s nots easy when I want to make my backstitches all look uniformed and nice. Now I’m so tempted to get a small stapler sewing tool. 

When I was so exesperated and told lil’ one my mistake, she gave me the look as if she was already expecting her blut mummy to make another mistake 😂. I teased her further by saying that she wanted me to sew her a knot bag. Already with this simple design I can make mistake, what more with the knot bag I’ll be thinking so hard how to sew the bag and who knows her belongings might drop from the bottom of the bag 🤣. 

The blur mummy signing off 

Saturday, October 5, 2024

ArtScience Museum

Buying tickets

The news on the Ghibli was announced MBS emailer to us (I think) on 24th July and members have special price. ST published it on the papers on 25th July. Date and time was noted on my phone’s calendar. 

However on the day - 29th July, I was busy and totally forgot to throw all housework aside and do my booking 😂. Booked the tickets at 10.24am, 24mins after they open their website for booking. 

Because my first visit will be on a Saturday, I wasn’t sure if the crowd will make photo opportunities difficult. So on 1st Aug decided to book another one tix for myself on a weekday morning, not knowing what time lil’ one needs to be in school for the new term. I was so excited. 

** then some bad news came in end Sep and I’m not sure if I can make it. Days later on 2nd Oct bro asked me if I can accompany mom for her procedure at the hospital on 15th Oct, I gave him the above reason and will let him know asap if I’m needed on this side. Will go over to help mom, but wondering what will happen to lil’ one - how to send her to school? School starts at 1pm for her and I need to settle her lunch before school. 
I totally forgot I had booked the tix for 15th and was going thru my phone’s calendar. Oh oh! Looks like I cannot go for this 😭. This tix would be wasted 🥲. 

The World of Studio Ghibli - 5th Oct

Really tired as wasn’t feeling good since we got back from Korea. Runny nose and coughing but still had to drag myself out of the house.

Ponyo getting a ride, greeting us outside ArtScience Museum

If only it's that easy when we move house 😂

Calcifer, can you cook my meals?

Save Sheeta's life

The rescue

My cuties ススワタリ

Satsuki and Mei running towards the house

"I see myself"

*not my toy, it's a nice lady's (we shared table folding the origami) toy which I borrowed as a prop

I found you!

We have no idea what lies ahead

and we walked through this "forest".

Not bad for the fake experience


Satsuki's letter to mother

Nausicaä on her plane and an Ohmu

Marco Pagot relaxing

Spot the たぬき

They were engrossed in what's shown on TV.

*this cooking clip kindda reminds me of Cooking with Dog shows I used to watch 😂

Ashitaka and Yakul

Wolf girl


Kiki in the bakery

Lots of hilarious scenes when Jiji was sent as a replacement to the recipient, this is one of them.

Tombo chasing after Kiki

while she's flying over the city

Kiki's written letter to her parents

Chihiro warned you not to go through the tunnel.

Stubborn parents!

Towering bathhouse


No-Face is having a 100 (or maybe more) course meal.

I cannot tahan the mess on the floor 😂

Got durian. lol!

See if you can spot more local food here.

Dare to take the train with No-Face?

Cute lah Jiji.

Makes me miss that black stray cat that came into my

PES 2 years ago.

Future World : Where Art Meets Science

Che-che has been to see this with her friend before, so I’m the only suaku one. 

This installation is nice, only to be marred by some idiot tourists from India. Yay I don’t care I will just name the race here. 
Prior to entering, the staff was telling the whole group (che-che and I happen to be the first in line) not to hold the line. If the light doesn’t light up the time we’re there, just come back and join the line. 
When we were let in, this Indian couple obviously took some pictures prior to us entering (as there was a substantial interval from the time she let the group in and our group) and then re-trace their steps back. I noticed the guy slinged his backpack to the back, the instructions was to put it to the front possible to prevent the bag tangling with the strips of LED lights if it’s behind us. Then they held back the line, we couldn’t move forward coz the idiot guy made his gf to walk again, to pose etc…. The staff must have seen the line being stopped and gave instructions to walk on and not stop. Infact, at that moment I wanted to put up my bitchy “I think the older I get the more enemies I will make” attitude and tell them off. I would have done so if che-che wasn’t with me. 😜

As I came out of the path and the rests followed, the Indian couple ran back in to take pics again. What? Girl also not pretty, take so many pictures for what?! Should take when it’s dim. Why the upped frustration you may wonder. Coz we encountered another Indian family at the Ghibli exhibition doing the same thing. That’s why I bloody don’t care and will name the race - THE INDIANS! 

Anyway, when I walked out of the path I turned around and wanted to take a pic of the installation and unknowingly stood infront of a lady who was waiting for the lights to light up so her companion can help her take a pic. It was only 3 secs when I noticed it, apologised and move out of her way. She was really nice. Afterall it was unintentional. 

Nice shadowy shot 

Outside museum

So what exactly happened inside the Ghibli exhibition? 
We were all queuing up to take pic of Kiki flying over the city, very obedient group of Ghibli fans except for this selfish Indian family. As che-che was in the queue, I went to other props to take pictures then joined her. By then I saw this family taking photos and they were taking up a lot of time. The mother and daughter posed differently, checked pictures and re-took again and again. I lost my patience and sighed “haiyoh! I’m sure I was within earshot distance they could hear me but perhaps they’re deaf? They are a bunch of self-entitled people not caring about the long queue behind waiting. My goodness, if they’re in US they would be asked to F off by the expressive Americans. 
So I was pissed with them taking so long. Che-che has another reason, she said they kept standing for so long talking and not taking any pictures. 
After that she kept rushing me to go faster, perhaps wanting to keep further distance from them. If we’re behind them for every cinematic installation, we will have to wait long again. 

We left the place around 12.20pm and made our way to Orchard to look for work clothes. To be continued in another blog entry.