Sunday, September 8, 2024

On This Day (8th Sep) #Reminders from FB#

8th Sep 2019

This is much better, cooling at this time.

But if you notice, one uses tennis serving style and the other badminton style. Haha!




8th Sep 2014

3 precious days had gone by too quickly. Quality time spent. In another few hours hubby's flying off and will do another countdown for his return.

8th Sep 2014

I just had to share this......hilarious girl was trying to

"exercise" and this is what she did at the sit-up bench.

She even made such loud "ah!" sound when she arch back.

Ummm...yup.*rolls eyes* she's my silly n funny gal

8th Sep 2014

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!!

8th Sep 2013


8th Sep 2013

Che-Che fixed her Mickey today. I tried fixing the bottom part, my fingers too big. Keke! She enjoys fixing all these.



8th Sep 2013
* with Athena *

She's happy with her Japanese deco rush collection so far. Trying to add more for her.

8th Sep 2011

My lil' girl present request from daddy. iphone7 and an ipad100. I laughed at her funny request. 等久久

Hmm... Maybe she'll get her iphone7 in 2 years time (depending on how fast apple rolls out new pots).

And her superbly improved version of iPad??? She'll be a teenager by then.

8th Sep 2011

Had a tiring morning, tired alr still insist on going for classes. KZ blow dry her hair n she can even doze off, still refuse to stay home. Want to trick her to bed, she say cannot. She got her way, sent her to U5 T Shichida class. Then trying hard to convince her to skip Abacus class. She's say cannot, must go. Dang!

Worst come to worst mummy go n sleep (I'm extremely tired) n nobody brings her to class.... *evil mummy"

8th Sep 2010

Prays for good weather tomorrow morning

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