Thursday, September 5, 2024

On This Day - (5th Sep) #Reminders from FB}

5th Sep 2023

Thinking of you Richard Lee How I know you love this 🤣

5th Sep 2021
* feeling puzzled*

Will my secret admirer please tell me.

Who sent me snack/dessert? 🤔

5th Sep 2021

Mystery solved. Secret admirer found.

Thanks for the surprise brownies Youli Song.

5th Sep 2013

Back in Kindy to give Teacher's Day gifts

5th Sep 2013

I've survived yet another year!

The class I took this year is ...😰

5th Sep 2011

* tagged in Teni’s pic *

5th Sep 2010
added 8 new photos to the album Staycation - 4th Sep 10.

Went on a stay-cation at the start of the school hols.

As what mei-mei puts it, we went to China. ?!?!?!

Getting ready to leave home.

Having our lunch at the hotel before checking in

So we've got the keys, what's next? The kids leading us to the room

Checking out the room

Bath time. Apparently quite alot of R(A) photos so took only these cropped ones.

5th Sep 2010
added 31 new photos to the album Maxine's BD — with Youli Song and 5 others.

My lil' girl getting ready. Haha! She's too small for this.

Group pic before the baking session

Cutting the cookie dough

My fav shot


My lil' girl showing off her cookies

Decorating the cookies with icing

The extra cookies

Baby Saby - so cute

Trixilia has that Jamie Oliver look when he sprinkles things from a distance to his food.

Decorating the birthday cake

Ooh...... Hello Kitty jelly.

Mei-mei looked forward to the jelly

The girls and their goodie bags

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