Thursday, August 29, 2024

Richer in experience + a lovely gift from the Snr Mgr

Lil’ one did her first Industrial Attachment this year for 10 weeks. She started on 18th June (Tue) and ended her internship on 23rd Aug (Fri). She gets to work from home on Fridays together with her manager and senior manager. 

Initially they asked her to go back to office on 23rd Aug to handover the laptop and keys, but changed to 22nd Aug to handover instead cause they had something on on Friday. She gets $30 for free. Muahaha! 

She wasn’t attached in Accounting or Finance but rather she was attached to the HR department. The manager was so patient and forgiving when it comes to mentoring her 🀣. (I hope she didn’t make any major mistakes while she was there.) Her being in HR gave her an insight into the department as she commented before that she’s interested to be in the same line as her dad. 

She was so blessed to have met wonderful, friendly, helpful people in her workplace. She thoroughly enjoyed her short stint with the company. The senior manager would drive them out for lunch together with the manager and the CFO and sometimes some other people do come along. They do have good camaraderie, as what lil’ one mentioned when she was there the initial week she noticed the Finance people would have hotpot on Thursdays. She was asked to join them once, I then jokingly asked her if she only ate fishball πŸ˜‚. (my funny girl and her fishball. She was afraid duagu duakim didn’t have enough fishball when we were invited over to their place on NDay that she bought a pack of fishball and brought over) 

The previous week when her workload was getting lighter as it was closer to the end of 8th week, she didn’t have to do overtime or should I say “she took her own sweet time completing the work” on weekends that she helped me baked pandan cake, she brought some to the office to share. 

Baked cookies over a period of 2 days. But mom had to do the packing for her. She passed some to the colleagues, namely the CFO and the people she don’t work with on 21st after mom had to η†¬ε€œ to help her pack after the last baking on Tuesday. Passed the last 2 packs to her immediate mentor and boss on Thursday when they brought her out for a farewell lunch at a Japanese restaurant. So nice of them, they are also salaried workers they didn’t have to do it but they did. I only felt really bad when she couldn’t even finish the salmon she ordered 🀦🏻‍♀️.

Was supposed to do the presentation too before she left but they had to re-schedule her to come back to office next week. 

She decided to give the Jenny multi-flavoured cookies + the infamous chocolate chip cookies to both Miss Tan and Miss Lim. The rests, she just gave the chocolate chip cookies. If they felt there was favoritism on why their packs is smaller…… ehh….. kena hantam by them next time (if she can go back) is lil’ one 🀣

She said her goodbyes to them last week but didn’t manage to say goodbye to some people she said she had to do the ND planning with. 

Fast forward a week later, on 29th Aug she reached the office at 2pm one hour earlier than her presentation time. Miss Lim asked her to go down earlier to do setup and lil’ one spent her time talking to Miss Lim. She was surprised that Miss Lim was able to ‘entertain her’ citing that days before she left both of them were extremely busy in the office to talk to her πŸ˜…. But they finally got some picture taking together today. 

I was waiting in the car when I saw the CFO coming out with her the second time. She is such a pleasant smily lady. Shook her hands and mouthed something to her. 

The time I saw them together, she brought lil’ one around the preschool area. Lil’ one told me that they do have an ITE intern (her senior) in the preschool in the Finance Dept. But as for having a Finance intern on her office side, they do not have. Not sure for next year but lil’ one says she would like to go back whether it’s in the office or in preschool. I don’t see why not, lovely people they have there. Next year she will need to be in the Finance Dept, no more HR. I’ll need to ace up my prayers for next year. 

That’s how long she spent in the office today 

Miss Tan gifted her this lovely handmade card holder with lanyard. So beautiful! It’s Japanese fabric. I love Japanese fabric. Tempting me to get the fabric and start sewing a new pouch for lil’ one (she was still harping on the tombalek cat on one side of the pouch πŸ˜‚ I sewed for her previously)

With that, I thank θ§‚δΈ–ιŸ³θ©θ¨ for watching and bringing the nice people to her. 

I was getting so used to her IA routine where I only pick her up from Serangoon MRT after work. Getting used to a regular timing she’s out of the house. Now I need to go back to schooling schedule and ….😰 cooking lunch for her to bring to school?!?! 

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