Wednesday, August 28, 2024

On This Day - (28th Aug) #Reminders from FB#

28th Aug 2020

She : Mummy, can I keep this Oreo for next week's picnic? Zoom picnic.

Me: Got CCA picnic via Zoom 😅. So funny.

She: Yah, it's the time we can bond with our friends.

Me: yah...but like so funny. You're basically alone what! Can I join u?

Oblivious to what I'm conveying to her.

She : oh yah. Drinks also.

Me: drinks from your own home?

Daddy heard the convo and then suggested

"Put a mat for u in the balcony. Got trees (I added

"got waterfall")

28th Aug 2020

Missing her wanton noodle. The aunty came out to see her, aunty also miss her huh? Haha!

28th Aug 2020

Last minute decision to come here as I chose to send lil' one to school this morning. Good excuse not to do housework.


28th Aug 2020


28th Aug 2020

Just as I was looking at the sign "otter crossing" | was wondering to myself when I would see one or more crossing my path. And not far from where I was, I noticed a lady taking pictures. Then I realised there was a lone otter. She told me there were 15





28th Aug 2020

What to do now? 时间不三不四. Need to be in che's school at close to 10am. I haven't had breakfast yet.

Should I? By the time I drive down from place to's not that feasible I guess

28th Aug 2020

And I walked into KFC without a mask. How dumb can I be? I mean we're so used to wearing mask right? Maybe coz I was without one just now. So l looked at her puzzled when she was telling me "your mask", she had to repeat twice coz I couldn't hear her properly. Then I exclaimed "omg! My mask!" And during the conversation before n after she and her colleagues weren't rude. They knew it was a case of blunder and laughed along with me. I walked out using my phone to cover my mouth to get the mask from car. Instinct?

3rd time I forgot to wear mask. 1st time was at my place. I went to the car turned engine on etc.. ready to go out, then decided not to go computer shop so decided to make a trip home to leave laptop. Turned off engine, walked out of car without a mask, without realising it. Until I saw a neighbour walking to his car.

He looked at me, I looked at him and I exclaimed

"shit! Mask." He laughed at me. Turned back to car to retrieve mask. Maybe next time I should just dangle it around my ear? I guess I won't forget right.

2nd time, UPS called and said he's at the fire access area, he can't come up from the other gate. So l decided to grab my keys and collect from him. And yah lor... forgot mask again after I looked at him.


28th Aug 2020

Late breakfast. I shall not eat anything heavy for lunch later.

Ordered a platter ala-carte without buns. This should

suffice to 顶一下肚子.

Done! In 9mins! Record right? SQ trained me well. s 2 girls trained me well esp the younger one (that girl was quite a difficult one)

*didnt finish egg

28th Aug 2017

I miss Thistle (our last Sheltie)

August 28, 2015 at 7:26 AM · 
Goodbye piano. Thanks for enduring our slamming and beating over the years.

August 28, 2015 at 12:21 PM ·
Out with the old, in with the new. Side by side.
Dad - the first student to play the piano. Hahaha! Dad came coz he'll see what he can do to hide the wiring to the plug and see what he needs to bring the next time.

Yay! It's here

 Goodbye Ms Shortie

 Ha! Can see in the reflection how messy the dining table is with the magazine holders

28th Aug 2012

Today I found out from staff in Mayer that the ice-cream maker purchased here can only be used for Asian models. It's a blessing, luckily I didn't click BUY when it was discounted months ago. Imagine, having the parcel sent here n then realize cannot be used.

Put in my name and they'll call me. Can't wait to make my first batch of ice-cream. I've tried someone's homemade ice-cream and that'll make me a convert.

August 28, 2011 at 11:11 AM · 

Can buy 4D alr. The only time lil' girl will sit down quietly n eat her meal-lunch. Why? She was extremely hungry as she didn't eat much breakfast.

August 28, 2011 at 1:44 PM ·
Few days ago, Che-Che asked me "mummy, what is aviary?" I answered her. Few minutes later,"mummy, what is a-r-s-e-n-a-l?" "It's a football team in England." Gave me a very blur look, "ooh! ...ok.."
Today as I'm marking her work, I burst out laughing at my answer. Wah!! Silly mother!!
Quick! Must make her erase off that definition n reload new and accurate answer. LOL

28th Aug 2011

I hope my parcels arrive in time.

Haiz! Hurricane get out of my way!!

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