Thursday, August 22, 2024

On This Day - (22nd Aug) #Reminders from FB#

22nd Aug 2023

21st dinner :

All lil' one had was her fav slice fish soup (it looks plain coz it's plain

🤦🏻‍♀️ no 菜& 香菜)

Wait till lil' one hears what che-che had for her 21st lunch - IHop. Cheesecake Factory is on the list too!

Lil' one will be so jealous coz she wants to eat their bread 😂. I want their pasta! I'm not back on keto yet!!

22nd Aug 2020

- Alles hat ein Ende nur die Wurst hat zwei -

Missing Germany, so making up with this (sans powder).

Lil' one exclaimed "it tastes just like the one in Germany."

It's che-che's fav actually, but she hasn't tried this yet.

22nd Aug 2019

Lil' one took her HPV vaccination in school yesterday (Wed). Nurse called me and doc spoke to me. She complained of giddiness n blood pressure went up, she didn't hv appetite during recess too, they let her rest a while. I wanted to bring her home early but she didn't want to miss anything in school / worry extra homeworks.

Took temp and started monitoring her. My delicate weakling 🤪 has fever. She showered, drank chinese herbal drink 💤

Left house to pick che-che. Came back n took temp, low grade fever, cooked porridge for her. She can argue with me so it means she fine.

Took temp again. Fever seemed to go down and interval between herbal drink - should be able to give her angmoh medicine - but still low-grade fever.

Goash! I junked the bottled Panadol but ....I keep forgetting she's no longer a "child" so cut the 500mg tablet into half. Not sure of dosage for her weight so l think it's better to under-dosage than to over-dosage. Sleeping with her tonight so can monitor temp. I hope I don't jump up too quickly from her pull-out bed and hit my head on the table drawer 🤕 Fever is a common side effect with HPV vaccine but with her history I don't take any chances when it comes to fever.

I'm very impressed with the doc, l asked her for a favour to write down the symptoms for me just incase she didn't get well and I need to send her to PD or hospital, I can show it to the next doc. Very clear and intensive letter 👍. Will need to write a commendation letter.

22nd Aug 2019

Thanks for all words of concerns and prayers.

Now I'm at KKH with lil' one, apparently she kiasu and went back to see the doc (doc said was up to her if she wanted to see her the next day) in school this morning. And doc told her her heart is still beating really fast n she should see the doc to get it checked.

She only told me about it when I picked her up from school. They spoke to PE tchr n she didn't do anything strenuous today, even yesterday. Thank the lucky stars her kiasuism helped her, otherwise we wouldn't have known that she still has the signs of heart palpitating ( coz she said she don't feel anything).

We were ushered into observation so fast after the triage. Did ECG n will run a blood test on her and another senior doc will see her before they decide what to do.

Meanwhile, this girl is still worried that she cannot do her English presentation 🤦🏻‍♀️ tmrw.

22nd Aug 2019

Her comments for the blood test "of all fingers!" And she's bugging me that she wants to go school tmrw. Oh my goodness! I feel like knocking her unconscious to stop her from complaining to me.

22nd Aug 2015

Sigh.....stuck in Popular again. Buying yet another book?!?!

She's done with the book she bought this week. Left with less than half of the book she just borrowed from library today and ..... sigh...

Then I have two girls on different ends of a stick. One begs for book; the other one I have to beg her to read one book.

22nd Aug 2015

Hate coming to PP on weekends. Here today for lil' one's makeup class. Note to self, I better learn my lesson n nvr ever ever EVER re-arrange. Just forgo the class can already.

2 hrs here n I'm just going to stay put. My time to FB n relax for now, will be busy with them later at home.

Che-che is reading her storybook.

22nd Aug 2015

Hahaha! I think that's what happened to me. I was uttering and uttering when I woke up from GA and look at a big Athena. Asked " I thought I came here to deliver a baby (I was referring to Aricia), why is my baby Athena so big now?"

And I was trying to make sure I was aware of what's happening. I saw my SILs and said "you're Jasline Ting, you're wearing xxx. You're Aveling, you're wearing xxx." They were laughing at me. I'm trying to make sure I wasn't going mad. And I heard the nurses commenting "baby small, formula formula." I had to raise my voice "syringe. Syringe syringe no bottle. 11 2 breastfeed." That's my melodrama coming out of GA.

22nd Aug 2014

Hello Kitty baking toy.

For the first time, counter staff asked me "boy or girl". Usually they let us choose.

I answered with a serious look " A girl who behaves like a boy." Staff 😮 

22nd Aug 2013

I shall have a home baking business next time. Omg!

The cuppies costs $xxx. And can't copy the Disney characters. Duh!

22nd Aug 2012

Che-Che did this, with some help from me with the hot glue, for her Form Teacher who's resting at home.

Sweet yah?!

22nd Aug 2011

Che-che's kitty phone is spoilt! Can't charge. Though it's cheap but it's super cute leh. She's eyeing on iPhone- yah! U think we're going to buy for her?

May buy back a proper phone for her instead of those cutie phones with no warranty.

22nd Aug 2011

First time the girls saw a banana plant

Starfruit tree. And lil' girl is a thief!!

22nd Aug 2010
* added 2 new photos to the album Macarons.

Nobody can resist these french sweet treats.

Shiny top, a feet to run, a crispy top deceived by a chewy inside. Ooh........once you pop in one you can't stop. That's why they make it small.

19th - Coffee macaroons with nutella ganache.

19th - Too overwhelm with these goodies. *fat fat*

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