Wednesday, August 21, 2024

On This Day - (21st Aug) #Reminders from FB#

21st Aug 2023

Miss che-che Athena Ting

I walk into Breadtalk, I saw the bread she likes.

I saw the nougats she likes in NTUC, usually would turn and asked her if she wants to buy BUT...she's

not with me. Okay,可以省钱。

Walked past Playmade and thought of her.

Walked past A# and thought of her.

Walked past Starbucks and thought of the times we sat there together while waiting for lil' one's therapies to end.

Saw 水信玄餅 in the menu and thought of her...可以省更多钱。

Walked past ATM and felt the need to withdraw

money from there[好像很久没去 ATM]

coz 1 of my "home-ATM" already deposited all her money before she flew off. (I call the girls my "home-ATMs" coz sometimes they receive money/angpows etc.. and put the money at home. If I need cash, I'll grab from their box and transfer the amount to them.

So now 1 ATM is closed; the other one not much money left at home 🤣

Just feel strange when walk into her room and see some stuffs gone. Just feel strange when I don't hear her blasting and singing away her Japanese songs.

Just feel strange when I don't hear her shouting

"Aricia!! I need help.", "Aricia come here!"

Not like she's getting married there (I WILL FOLLOW HER IF SHE IS!!), she'll be back before I know it. I will get used to it eventually.

Guess all parents will miss their kids when they're not with us. Do they miss us? Likely no.

21st Aug 2021

A balance of compliant and non-compliant food for self

Her choice of meal today.

Her QO made her miss this even more..


My 6 plates of fatty meat

And then was a little nottie to buy these packets of chicken skin. Sharing with che-che.

Oh my! I can't resist this. (pic just for show, will probably only eat lesser than the number of pieces shown here - in a span of few days? Or maybe in one to two days? 😂

Or maybe if I feel so guilty I might just stop at 2 pieces)

Be an extremely nottie girl, I haven't had sugar for a very very very long time. This is definitely non-compliant with all the forbidden ingredients. #igrewupeatingallthese# #idomisslotsoffood#

Will take glucose reading before n after. I may get a headache later, let's see how bad I'll suffer. 🤣


21st Aug 2010 
Luncheon meat and fried egg

21st Aug 2015

Wow! I reached che-che's school in record time today. 10 mins. Traffic lights green all the way, I only needed to wait awhile to join traffic from small road.

21st Aug 2010 at 12:24 AM 
Aricia finally had her other ear pierced today, after one failed attempt in coaxing her yesterday. Her response was "Ouch! (didn't cry) I want to see mirror!!" To the laughter of the staffs. Brave girl!


Serene Wan Hooooray!!!!

Angeline Lee Yan Chin Well done,Aricia!

Shao Chong Tan I saw her prettie earring this am. I asked her if it was painful piercing her ear. She said yes but she DIN cry...hahaha what a brave lit gal!

Lily Ann Teo She's indeed brave. And her reaction after that was done was hilarious. I like the small sweet earring, did it at 77th Street

Comments in 2018 : That must have been her 3rd and last piercing. Always creating drama first.

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