Tuesday, July 25, 2023

On This Day - (25th July) #Reminders from FB#

25th July 2022

I wonder what's his thoughts were as he swallowed the water. 🤢 🤮 

can't even eat anything from the indian stations' hotels at all. So many times I have to drop by the airport clinic upon arrival or clinic near home on my off day, usually too sick that doc wants to give me MC but I decline (yah, even tho I may have a horrible rostered flight coming up I won't get the MC)

So I always end up bringing 2 huge bottles of water for drinking and another for washing my hands and contact lens container. And bring a loaf of bread with me. I'll either spread Nutella from home or bring the choc chip bread. Thank goodness, it's usually a nightstop only. If it's longer nightstops, I will eat so much bread looking like しょくぱんまん

EX- station I'll never eat any meals catered onboard, l'll usually eat biscuits not even instant noodles!

Drinks on board, I'll go for the canned drinks brought up EX-SIN.

Maybe coz my stomach is really sensitive. I started doing that in my first going to second year of flying when I noticed the bouts of food poisoning from outside food n hotel food.

25th July 2017

Good idea. But it won't really work on the girls. One is so tall the other is so short.😬

25th July 2016

Did this last night, in my opinion it's thumbs down 👎 but che-che likes it. The portion for frosting n peanut butter is really little.

25th July 2016

My really really super ugly bread. Suppose to try Rilakkumma but I can't seem to melt the white cooking choco n melting the compound choco will only lead to wastage.

25th July 2014

Oh man....

..she's so tired that she .....


25th July 2013

Kids do the darnest thing.

Girls keep bugging us for new coins when we get them. Y are they collecting them when it's what we're currently using.

When I said they should be keeping our old notes n coins instead

… I wished I kept my mouth shut!

25th July 2013

My lazy style version of chicken katsu-don

25th July 2012

Breathless! (then again I'm breathless everyday)

Che-che late dismissal @ 3.10pm; Reach 3.45pm. go for 4pm Berries make up class; in car doing abacus work with mei-mei; 4.50pm bring her in Berries; FREE TIME hr right? Hv to go n pack dinner n buy some stuffs; later @ 5.55pm go back to pick che-che; go over to another venue of Berries (two diff places for primary kids n the toddlers program) to wait mei-mei; do school homework in car; 6.45pm pick mei-mei; reach home 7+; shower;dinner and more screamings from me. And...

..I didn't hv time to clean the floor today!!!

Please lah! No more exams on Sundays can or not?

25th July 2012

At ENT Specialist

25th July 2012

So much changes here. Didn't know went thru renovation. Goes to show how long I haven't seen my gynae. Ooh... Must make appt liao

25th July 2012

我们又被骗吗?All clear as told by doc, no problem

with her middle ear. Very good infact. Darn! I think both mom and daughter needs to see the brain specialist. I want to know what's in her brain, how the heck she process things. Me - to see how stupid I am.

Footnote written in 2023 :

The time she lied to us she has ear pain just to get pi pa gao candies 

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