Wednesday, July 26, 2023


A problem that comes with age - white hair.   

Argh! Actually not in my case, think there’s a genetic failure somewhere that I had white hair when I was a teenager (che-che has the same genetic failure too ☹️)

In recent years, I realised my hair grow out so quickly that the whites are visible 2 weeks after I’ve coloured my hair. 2 weeks! No joke! I can’t be making countless trips to hair salon everytime too as it’ll cost a lot of money. 

Apart from the ah-pek hair dye which I use every few months. I’ve resorted to other temporary measures. Namely from : 

1) hair darkening shampoo (Bawang) 

2) to temporary pens. But can usually only remedy the visible front hairline spots. Initially the first usage was so promising. The next time I used, my “touched up” hair turned alien green 👽. Muahaha! Not really sure what happened? 

3) Recently I came across this and decided to try this. It is easier to apply than the Hidaka’s haircolour brush. I won’t end up having blots of black ink on my scalp with this mascara-like. 

I don’t think I’ll use this that regularly too. I’m not the hardworking must 打扮美美 person,  but when I do want to make myself a little happier by not seeing the white hair this comes to the rescue. 

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