Thursday, July 17, 2008

Shortbread - part II

I felt like lazing. Decided to bake more to give Iggy and Aricia's friends on Friday. Since the recipe is still in my pea-size brain and I've got my last butter in the fridge I set the table at 10+ last night and started baking. Tedious affair! Especially when it comes to the cookie cutting etc..

Thing about me is I like to bake, but sometimes I lose my patience.. in day time I have the excuses of my children disturbing me + I am busy. In the night, both kids are sleeping and no interruptions but I was so tired.

I didn't take photos of all the cookies, but took this. I tried this using the 1M tip, first time attempting this and so difficult to do it, dough was not that soft to let it ooze out without strength used. Will attempt this another time with some variations.

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