Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Macha Jelly

Wanted to get the recipe from Kayoko but didn't bump into her, I goggled for a recipe. And this is what I found(Roslyn, take note of this). I tried it today, I hiao-hiao want to mould into Hello Kitty & with the leftover tried on Pooh as well. Looks good hor? But when pouring realise it's a little too watery as compared to Kayoko's.
I waited patiently for the jelly to set. Then as I tried to remove it... alas! too soft, can't. But you know what's the good thing? When I ate Kayoko's jelly, it does melt down and reshape the jelly again. Put it in a container and it don't seem so watery. Did a second batch (double portion) for my family. Tried to adjust the water, still watery. Hmm.... what's wrong? Hmm......never mind, wrap it up to make it look asthetically nice, put kisses and write sweet notes on it so they'll swallow everything in one gulp *no pun intended* (I did try to put ribbons but fridge can't fit so tall. kekeke! so removed everything after taking this photo)

Athena luv it. She loves Japanese tea, so I will try to make more jelly for her and perhaps try cupcakes etc...
I remember mom mentioned to me before that it's slimming & tummy flattening*ahem ahem* - drink more.

成功 or 失败. I should say it's a little 失败. がんばって!!

Now my trusty Macha powder is running low too. Goash! It's been a nihon-month for me, been hanging around all the Japanese corners lately. Athena been mistaken countless times as a Japanese when she's with me (look like one, but when she opens her mouth - she's not the typically gentle Japanese girl. Hee!) .. ai yah like that hubby should have taken up that offer in Tokyo, she'd be so happy.(actually I don't understand why she loves Japanese stuffs so much. Influenced by mummy?) Tomorrow, I'll need to head down again to stock up. Good thing I'm meeting Hiroe after Ari's Shichida class, so I can ask her some things as well as stock up from that Japanese store in PP's basement.

Anyway, I found myself quite confused with agar-agar and dunno what nots, so found this link.

While I was looking at green all the time, I turned into a green monster (with envy) when girlfriend MH sent me an MMS of the durian puffs she made. Really envy her capability, can bake; can cook. She's so patient... I can't even find much time daily.

Here's me signing off!

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