Tuesday, January 11, 2022

1st Jan 2022

First day of the new year and we are all stuck here in LA. An unexpected thing happened, che-che was tested positive during our PCR screening for pre-flight departure on 26th Dec (results came back on 27th, the day we were to depart for home). 

While all the rest of the world are so strict with their quarantine of affected people, the US has this laxed attitude. Which is no wonder the number of infection are soaring high. We were left on our own accord. No help; no calls from California county as what SIA ground staff said we would be. I can’t imagine what would happen to those who are stuck with limited monetary expenses. Of course we can get consular help from our embassy but we didn’t approach ours as they can’t offer much help for us, they can’t fly us out even with a positive case. 

This holiday is an extended one. We got out from our room late for lunch and return early and have cooked dinner in the room. Although I brought the travel cookpot along, we basically used it for simple boiling water; cooking instant noodles; warming soup etc..it was nothing fanciful like my SQ ala-squat days where we could churn out fried rice and dishes from the handy cookpot. 

Things just have to happen this way. Really have no idea how the 🦠 got to che-che when we were all so careful. I mean, I don’t mean to start denying or start blaming anyone or anything, if it’s fated that we get it here then too bad. We need to look at things in positive manner. But just can’t help but feel a sense of bewilderment on how it can only affect 1 person and not all of us. 

Mrs Hau is informed of the current situation. Tutors informed to delay the commencement of lessons as we really have no idea when we will be back. Worst come to worst, we will do Zoom in LA. Somebody will just need to be awake at ungodly hours while we all snore in bed for her class lessons. At 4pm here in LA it would be 8am the next day in SIN. If lil’ one has her tuition at 7pm in SIN on a Monday it would be 3am on Monday in LA. 

So when does the girl sleep? Let me work out a quick conversion :

SIN TIMING (US TIMING) - SIN 16hrs ahead                       

Mon 10pm - Tue 6.30am 💤 [her usual bedtome] (Mon 6am - 2.30pm)

When school 🏫 starts from eg.

Mon 8am - 2.30pm (Sun 4pm - 10.30pm) 

Tuitions that starts at 5pm SIN time on a Monday would mean her tuition would start at 1am on a Monday. 

Imagine her needing to study on a Sunday. Miserable! 

And on a daily basis where I need to iron our undergarments and socks dry at around 6-7pm LA time, it would be 10-11am the next day. I’d definitely need to hide in one corner if she’s doing live lessons. 

Covid Situation here : No ART kits

Can you believe this country, wanting or claiming to be a super house economy? Has no ART kits in the pharmacies (which they claim is OOS), while Singapore has more than enough. But on the hindsight, the covid tests here are free and there are small stations smacked right by the roadside for people to do their walk-ins. One only needs to wait for the results which will take 24-48hrs. 

Covid Situation here : No masks

No masks for sale? (I found some masks for sale in the Asian mall after that) So whatever had happened to the tagline “Make America Great Again”? Basic stuffs like this is not easily found. 

Covid Situation here : No control. No quarantine aka 没有政府

A country so big but no control, that’s how some positive cases can be walking around and spread to the others including to che-che. While I understand that every state has their own constitutional Govt or whatever governmental rule, it should be a time to not divide their political group whether they are republicans or democratics. The President should set the rules and every states every county follows, but no… some people who thinks so highly of themselves don’t believe in science and medical reports just want to rebel for the sake of rebelling. And people who thinks they have the liberal rights to think and act what they want so it’s definitely harder for them to listen unlike the asians who are technically more obedient.

Covid Situation here : Right from the start things were done wrong.

A country so big but always so critical of others, they didn’t look at themselves. They thought they handled the situation well but no. On the other hand, the other powerhouse China handled their situation well right from the start with closing borders, lockdown. 


Covid Situation here : A backward approach

Vaccination cards can be forged. A country so big but yet is backwards in their technology? Things still done on paper? 真的开玩笑。

Even Europe has the Trace together app, and scan to go in before restaurants.here? None at all, strangely the only time they checked for vaccination status was the day we couldn’t fly out at Yoshinoya and few days later at Elmers.

But then again, do you think the people will allow their tracks to be traced? 

Wrong place to be stuck?

Perhaps this is a wrong place to be stuck? 

As what W said a friend of hers is stuck in Germany but they were chauffeured to a facility and accommodation n meals are provided free. 

Here? Dream on. They don’t have time and probably resources to trace anyone. So the positive note is that we are not confined to our room, we can be out and about driving infact to other National Parks for stay which nobody will know and check. So you can see how easily 🦠can move from one place to 🦠 another. Anyway, we need to be out coz we need to get lunch. There’s no Grab food, no food delivery here tho there’s a Denny’s just right next to our hotel. 

Aiyoh…we pray hard for clearance soon

That’s what we can do for now, to quickly get clearance. 

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