Saturday, April 24, 2021

Finally opened up my Pico projector

Got this pico projector in 2019. I was hoping to do some icing decorative transfers with it but as usual I don't have the time to do it. 

Che-che is rather free now so she has the idea to project movie on the wall. Haha! She asked me for my projector. I was so excited like a little girl opening up her presents. The only problem was the HDMI cable. Apparently the one I got for in a set was a knock off, it worked after getting an original cable ($75) from Apple store.

Out of curiosity, she asked me how to project into cookies. Perhaps I can try to do something this school holiday?

I thought it’ll be nice to project something onto the white wall. I had the green lady (northern lights) dancing, I had milky way and stars on the wall. It's so beautiful.  

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