Saturday, January 5, 2019

On This Day - 5th Jan #Reminders from FB#

5th Jan 2013 @ 9.47am. 

School Week 0 report :
Lil' one did exceptionally well in school. She looked forward to school, only blur didn't know where to go once reached school on 2nd and 3rd day. The PVs and Prefects were there to help. (In this school, parents were only allowed to stay for half hour on 1st day. Couldn't wander to class, absolutely no way to see them. And came to pick up in canteen end of day. 2nd and 3rd day, PVs tell parents to "leave in our hands".

New parents were great. No ugly fight between PVs and parents at all. Pick up at respective gates end of day.)
She finally go to know the name of 'the girl with a Minnie Mouse pencil case'. 

Buddy system starts next week. Good luck to her buddy!! Eat slow; talk too much.  

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