Thursday, December 6, 2018

Another award to sum up her secondary school year

Opened our filled to the brim mailbox, was sifting out all the junk mails. In the end, only left with a few worthy mails. And somehow I recognised the font in the transparent see-through portion (the envelope is a plain envelope) on one envelope.

Surprise! Surprise! Che-che got another award. Well....must be her results all lousy to begin with lor.. Well, I don't mind if this applies to her final O's results coz that's what really matters. 

Che-che's response was really funny. "Huh? Not again? Can I don't go for the ceremony?"           
Well, her last award to sum up her secondary school. She had another award from the school this year. That makes a total of 4 or 5 awards from both school and Edusave from secondary alone.

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