Friday, August 15, 2008

Poles Apart

I talked about the scaredy cat older girl, now I talk about the brave lil' one.

They're really poles apart!

The lil' one is unlike her sister whining all the time. (If you don't see but hear them, you'd think the mei-mei is che-che and vice versa.)
Lil' one is brave and independent, not shy and very polite but also very lor soh... (KZ was telling me in the nursery she kept calling this lady "ah ti" while she was BF-ing. At least that lady was so patient and polite to reply to my lor-soh girl)

She had a blister in her ankle and she didn't complain at all..........infact we only realised it when we got back home and took off her shoes. If it was Athena, oh my! that girl would have started complaining and have her name recorded in the Guinness World Record.
She'll try things (well most of the times) and wants to do it her way... but at least she's more daring then her sister.

I've said this before, she's more polite than her sister (hope she keeps it this way). Not shy, she's gone up to strangers and very kapo to look at them. Once she even helped a man with a few bars of soap; took and gave it to him coz' she saw him putting one in a bag. LOL

Very independent. She'd go up on her own and play - not afraid, which is very worrying too coz' our eyes have to be fixed on her. Then at home, although she likes to play with che-che. When it comes to bedtime, just tell her "bedtime" and she'll immediately plant a kiss to everyone and walks into the room. It's very unlike her sister who still wants to sleep on our bed and then I have to carry that pui pui girl back into her bed.

U think she'll pluck her own teeth next time?? Will have to wait and see.......

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