Thursday, October 25, 2007

Dang! What happened?? *updated**

Shucks! Trying to re-arrange the photos in the ofoto album but everything's gone! Tons of album inside. All gone! But I still seem to view the photos clicking from my sidebar leh!

Emailed them to check so now waiting for their reply. If not, think I better change to another photo-sharing website. Flickr seems widely used by everyone but I've been such a faithful partner since years ago, why is it jilting me now???

Sigh...........thought my bad luck is gone, still here! Better throw myself in a pool of holy water

Reply from Kodak Gallery
Response (Megan I.) - 10/24/2007 08:04 PM
Dear Lily,

Thank you for contacting the KODAK Gallery Customer Service Team.

We appreciate you contacting the KODAK Gallery about the status of your account photos.

You can upload an unlimited number of photos to the KODAK Gallery website ( However, our Terms of Service states that to maintain free storage, you must make a purchase from the Gallery website at least once every 12 months. If you do not purchase any product or service from us for a period of 12 months, we may delete the images stored in your account.

We notified you twice, using the email address associated with your Gallery account, to remind you of our storage policy. Since action was not taken, and we received no response from you, we removed the photos from your account. But don't worry; they have not yet been deleted.

We're offering you one final chance to restore your account images. All you have to do is purchase a saved project or upload images to your account and make a purchase with those images within one week from the date of this email. Even a single Print order from newly uploaded images will count as a qualifying purchase. When you have placed an order, please email the order ID to We will then restore your account images in about one week.

Your free storage will be automatically extended for 12 months from the date of your most recent purchase.

It was a pleasure helping you today! If you have any further questions or concerns regarding your account or the KODAK Gallery service, please let us know.

Megan I.
The KODAK Gallery Customer Service Team

I don't even remember getting any emails from them. Perhaps it was my oversight in the Terms & Conditions agreement.. but no email reminders from them??

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