Saturday, February 4, 2006

What a day!

Started the day by going down to Orchard Rd in the morning. Then we stopped by at Paragon - Marks & Spencer to get something for husband's colleague.
He told me last night that his colleague is holding a housewarming party.. okay since he said that, yours truly was not prepared for anything else right?? And he could have the decency to tell me hey it's a chinese family - I would have brought all the already-been-prepared hongbaos and bring the mandarin oranges. Make it worse, he actually went down to M&S to buy something, all the more I think it's an expatriate's housewarming.
Good thing mom reminded me better have some hongbaos ready in the bag. I prepared 5 coz' we haven't got much $2 in our wallet. I got lots of $5 but we need even figures.
Then the shock came when I saw his ex-colleague outside the host's house. I overheard their conversation and realised it's his ex-colleague(IBM) invitation. Darn! I need more than 5 hongbaos for that man. Heng ah... we have extra red packets in the car so we had to recycle the $$ given to my girl to give it to them. (came home and pay back my girl)Abit paiseh leh... I'm hoping that I don't give back to the same kids.
Anyway, it's really nice of his ex-collegues (he's the only thorn) to always include him in anything they organise although he's left there 4 years or 5 years ago??
We left a few hours later tired. Girl insisted that she wants to sit with daddy so I have to drive from Thomson to Tampines to Punggol.(half the time yawning).
Couldn't take it - the moment we arrived back home I dozed off for 4 hours...
I feel like a pig - oink! oink!

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