Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Hauls from Muar

Last evening at about 7pm, dad called to say that they will be dropping by at approximately 8pm after clearing customs. They needed to borrow my bigger fridge (no use also for a person like me who can't cook) to put their hauls from Muar. My ever hospitable auntie who has a jetty was able to give mom two big fish, about close to a metre long each. And mom bought 40 over packs of Otak otak.
For your information, Muar is famous for its Otak.


  1. How does it taste like? I've had fish cake, but never had the chance for otak otak.

  2. Its my favourite!!!!

  3. Alex : It mainly uses the meat of some fish (in this case it's mackerel), they mince it and mix it in some chilli spices. You can do a BBQ with it or like the one we have - steam it.
    Ros : I still prefer the cheapskate 40cents otak otak. We got lots in our fridge and like dunno when mom will want it back - until her fridge is empty??
